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myOtaku.com: Animatious

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

   YAY It's a Half DAY!! (again)

Yay! It's a 1/2 day! I had one last week, and there's another next week ( the one next week is a normal 1/2 time frame thingy.) Usually it's every 2 weeks, so...
I don't know what to type... Hmm... anyone who has updated their site i'll go and comment on a post or 2 if i get the chance... >.< My doggy is cute! Inu... Perro... Doggy... Shadow...
Suki Suki! (I have no ideas why i kept saying that today...) If actually means sumthin... >.< then that's ubber bad! Well, not that bad...
Aistu... that's funny... look it up... it means That (damn) Person... I don't know why I like that word... Maybe it's becuz it's the opening to SuperGALS!... Oh yea! I g2g to animelyrics.com to look for sum lyrics...
( )_( )
(")(") Bunnies go boom.
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies go what?
( )_( )
(")(") Nothing...!

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

   A lil' post...

Im bored.... are u bored? i know i am... >.< i'm listening to a stupid music video... it is totally horrid... (you call that music! *putt* I spit on you!)
It's called Ruberband banks... some "rap". >.< Why is that now a days, people can't make a desent music video! T_T I'm better off with A-Pop and A-Rock (J-pop, and K-pop .<
~Lets go with this:
(K-POP, J-POP, and... A-POP/A-ROCK in gen.)
( )_( )
(")_(")This bunny is waving...

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   Bunnies rulling the world, Naruto games and such? What a post... >.

~Yo. How's it goin' yall? I totally forgot to talk about Naruto...
Clash of Ninja
~hat do u guys think of it? I think it sucked, cuz you only had Kakashi, Iruka, Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, Zabuza, Haku, and Rock Lee. Most people will agree that the game wasn't all that good, But then again, there is still one more game...
Naruto's 2nd game
~So here's the deal. The 1st game was alittle upsetting and so this game *which gets up to speed with the series* should be MUCH better. I don't have the game, but I bet you it is better that the 1st... >.< Why am I commenting a game I don't even have!>.< grr... that just means i need to get the game... But anywho...
Naruto the Movie

~There's the FMA movie, the FF movies, and so on so forth. I heard there was a Naruto movie, but I don't know. If there is, I'll make sure to get it! >.< I wanna make a Naruto poem so bad... but i have yet to come up with one.
~ Anyways, if there is a Naruto Movie, make sure to watch it! (My poster really does light up the whole room, becuz it has bright color...) ^-^ The Naruto Poster I have is funny because Sakura is the only girl in the poster... >.< hehehehe
In the pic There's Kakashi, Neji, Shikamaru, Rock Lee, Sasuke, Naruto... and Sakura (^-^). OK... PLA
( )_( )
(")_(") When the Bunnies come for you, I'll be hiding...
( )_( )
(")(") Hey guys wait! I'm a bunny too!
( )_( )
(")_(") Come join us then! Come and Rule the world with us!
( )_( )
(")(") Can't we just go to the US and over throw Bush?
( )_( )
(")_(") You're right... But didn't you see the plans? First is Europe, Russia, Then Africa, Asia, Australia, Antartica, S. America, then N.America.
( )_( )
(")(") Oh yea... the plans...
( )_( )
(")_(") All bunnies know the plan! Plus, If you attack the US, then everyone will find out and-
( )_( )
(")(") OK OK. Let's move on out! Bunnies go boom!
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies go what?
( )_( )
(")(") Nothing...

( )_( )
(")(") Don't tell the others where I am, k? I'll come and free you later prisoners...
( )_( )
Bunnies make the... Hey! where are my feet!
Animatious:>> I... ate them >.< They were made of chocolate!
(>.<) My ears! You ate my ears!
~Animatious runs after the bunny who roles to saftey, to later be eaten by animatious' little brother...
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 9:42PM

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Monday, October 16, 2006

   >.< Uhm... yeah... (='.'=)

Hey, I made a poem today, and I think It's too long to post... It may not but who knows. XD YAY! I'ma get an Adobe Paint Shop (or sumthing close to that)! And I might get (plz let me HAVE it!!!) a Nintendo DS... an a game T.T it's one of those Pokemon games, since I lost my Leaf Green, and now have nothing for my Emerald... X.D. is a game I finished but have to start over cuz my dog chewed up my memory card DX... I really need to play my games. I wanna list 'em since I have nothing better else to do...
1. FullMetalAlchemist the game (1)
2. Arc the Lad: End of Darkness (newbie)
3. Burn Out Revenge (or is it just 2? anywho, it's a sweet game!)
4. We Love Kotamari (1_ it's sorta hard with the controls, but it's an alright game >.< Funny)
5. Takken Tag Tournament (>.< it scary's me cuz I don't know if I'll lose or win >.< ahh!)
6. Soul Caliber 3 (So I do have it!!! >.< I was talkin' wit my uncle today about it... sorta...)
7. Final Fantasy (Game cube... I don't remember which one it is, but it has the weird alien things and the people u play are like kids...)
8. Pokemon XD (No! I have to start over! Supa Easy game)
8 1/2. Uhm....
9- 13. Pokemon's Emerald, Yellow, Blue, XD, and Leaf green (which I lost...)

~( )_( )~~~( )_( )~~~( )_( )~~~( )_( )
Bunnies rule, Bunnies dance, Bunnies rule the world with their bunny dance!

( )_( )
0(")_(") Can you handle the sourness... This bunny couldn't...

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   O.O Becuz I'm lazy, all the Kim-Hee's are actually Kum-Hee's...

Korean Soap Opra: Funny Wild Girl

Eun-Hee has just found out that she is not the real daughter of her mothers and her sister, Kim-hee, is. Mom stole Eun-hee's life and made a better one for Kim-hee, so that Kim-hee can study all she wanted. Eun-Hee's real family is a rich family, so you can see where this is going, right?
Kim-hee's real family was on a farm, but about 10 years later+, they moved to Seol.
In the beginning, Eun-hee's mother died while giving birth to her, and at the same time Kim-Hee's real mother gave birth. So far, the story is really inteesting, because Kim-Hee is now a punta and Eun-Hee is tough but very nice... The Tae-Song Coorporation (BUNNIES
( )_( )
(='.'=)0 Bunnies wave... So wave back...
~( )_( )~~~( )_( )~~~( )_( )~~~( )_( )
Bunnies are cute! Bunnies dance! Bunnies rule the world with their Bunnie Dance!
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies are cute, so don't hurt me...

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

   Dance, Dance! (='.'=)

M.L.A.### ( protecting identity >.< I don't put ppl out like that)is a coolio artist! XD I love the way they draw, and Now I need to tell sum ppl about my x-mas wish! >.< I want more bunnies!
I want sum Hot Wok, but washigton doesn't have one... not even Chick-Fil-A or a CiCi's Pizza! Not even... Checkers/Rally's! I want sum ice cream now...
Can your bunny dance like mines?
~( )_( )~~~( )_( )~~~( )_( )~~~( )_( )
Bunnies are cool... Bunnies dance... Bunnies rule the world With thier Bunny Dance!

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   I'm in pajamas! I just like that face for sum reason...

Adobe Paint shop,Adobe Paint shop,Adobe Paint shop,Adobe Paint shop, I gotta remeber that...
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies will rule the world...

It's 1 sumthin' PM... I'm hungry and have a post that's going nowhere... or is that my manga >.< Angels are nice, rite? wings of fury! I drew sakura from Naruto and put her in these clothes, and colored her in markers... the worst thing I ever did... Sakura was looking nice... >.< :'(
( )_( )
(")_(") Are you okay, Animatious?
Animatious: No...
( )_( )
(")_(") Why not?
Animatious: .............
( )_( )
0(")_(") Hmmm...... Tell me, or I'll suck your brains out!
Animatious: I want chocolate bunnies.
( )_( )
0(")_(") Say what?
Animatious: C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E B-U-N-N-I-E-S.
( )_( )
(")_(") That's what I thought you said... Bye Animatious!
Animatious runs after bunny and bunny trips...

Avi was a Taffy who loved e-very-one
Taffy was a Avi who ate e-very-one
Doggy was the Avi who liked Taf-fy
& Taffy was a candy who was un-hap-py.
Avi ate the Taffy who ate e-very-one,
& Doggy who was Avi who had lots of fun.

Taffy eats people, Avi is the Doggy who later eats Taffy, and the people are now safe to eat taffy...
Ur sick of it

( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies are cute...

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

   >.< I hate the way I draw

I think it's a Adobe Photo shop or paint shop ,w/e, That i will get. 2 out of 1. I saw some splendid art! >.< so smexie!!! OK, that's it... I'm gonna wait another... 3-5 hours for toonami...
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies are cute... so don't hurt me.

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   Making Bunnies! (no not breeding them T_T) A devil's will... ^-^

I can make a cuty bunny!
( )_( ) I don't know how to make the others/

I made up an imaginary land! I colored it yesterday and It came out pretty nice. I'll post it up later.
I've been going to other ppl's sites now (finally) and there are some really funny avi's. An avi? What's an avi
An avi is an avatar.
Oh... I new that
*Or did u?*
( )_( )
(")_(") another bunny!

I need one of those coloring shop thingies. Do any of you know a good paint shop thing. So far I've seen Adobe Paint Shop and Draw Plus 7, and I've only seen Adobe Paint Shop on other peoples sites. If you know any good ones, please tell me, because I want it for christmas and my GParents said to get 1 big thing, so I'm choosin that.
Lately I've been saying 'Killin' 'em softly' but now I have a new slogan! or motto... or w/e...

( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies are Cute...
^ This won't last...

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Friday, October 13, 2006

   I poster some new pics.

^ Just like it says, and now drum role please!
I have Naruto pics. And I am now going to post 'em up! I saw some out-standing art from one user name, so since I have nothing else to say, I'll go to that persons site. >.< I have to draw Miyu now!!! :D Ok, PLA!

Killin' 'em softly...

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