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Sunday, October 8, 2006

   Mmmm... a nice dose of Naruto...

Me back... I should of posted wen i got back but didn't cuz i wanted to watch Naruto. Now i am watchin' Zatch Bell... hmmm... lol... Naruto was funny, and the next ep. should be interesting too... OH!! Guess what I got?! A Naruto poster from Unique Anime, and I drew... yay... Sasuke for the 1st time!!! I drew Neji as a chick ^-^ I'm then gonna draw Naruto and Sasuke, and yes, even Rock Lee, as Chicks. I can't draw dudes, but if I am pleased with the results, Sakura, Ino, and the other kounichi's will be drawn as guy's. I doubt that I'll be able to do that though... pervy sage...ha...
I'm just about done here for now... Peace Love and Anime!

Killin' 'em softly...

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Saturday, October 7, 2006


I can't really say anything now, but since its saturday I have only 1 thing i need to do... go to 1/2 price books and find a certain program! I better not stay out long or i'll be so pissed! i don't wanna miss Naruto+... (stay away bri bri... don't fall...)Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............... too late...

Killin' 'em softly...

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Friday, October 6, 2006

   Angel... By yours truely....

Roses are red
Violets are blue
If I don't get my way
I'll blame it on you.

That vase broke to pieces
Because you didn't do as I say.
You'll pay $5,000
If I don't have my way.

Violets are blue,
Roses are red,
Come in my room
The dog peed in my bed.

Roses are red
Violets are blue;
If I don't get my way,
I'll say it was you.

Thanksgiving Turkey

We were having some food,
A big giant feast.
But we were missing one thing;
A big, feathered beast.

Brown and red,
Served with an all-you-can-eat.
I wonder what it was called?
It started with a "T".

It wasn't my favorite.
Next to it, ham,
But my friend said it was nasty.
His name is Sam.

When we got some knives, forks, and spoons.
Sam was long gone;
Out of the blue.

But while we mourned,
Missing Sam and his gravy,
We all enjoyed this nice, tender turkey.
Da areas
Adios sunshine state!

Roller Coasters
It's a pan handle ^-^
Da heat >.<

Less chaos (not)
Runnier ran rashington
Da beaches
Apperiantly, Florida is the place to be...

At least to me >.< ^-^

Killin' 'em softly...

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   WOW! XD I'm blind!!! NOOOOOO!!!!.... >.< Die u evil person! Aaaah!!!

Last year, in this More To LIfe program- it teaches bball *sob*- I had just found out what Visitor and Home meant. (Trojans later came along this year ><)
Visitors are a team coming to ur place and Home is a team that stays where they are. Trojans or a team coming to meet the Visitors (basically they don't go to either teams place)
My mom said she was like that two. Now i know where I got it from! I'm actually a blonde with brown hair! OMFG!! Okay... *sob*
I went to the eye doc. today and it waz weird... sure i got out of skool early, which saved me from math, and my 7th per. ALP class, but was just weird. The examinded my eyes, and the doctor put eye drops in to numb my eyes and then he sprayed my eyelashes *twitch* *twitch* and that joka hurt! I had to close my eyes like, 6 x's so that it would ease the pain, even though it wasn't a "OMFG!" pain. More like a "I'm suprised! Aaah! I can't really open my eyes!"
I think thats about it... anti-sex skool... haha... dam skool, I hate u! Oh wait... can they see this? Nah, no way... That's only w/MySpace.... right?
I am loved, but I am not known...

Killin' 'em softly...

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Thursday, October 5, 2006

   I should do the Smart thing. OH YEA!

I got two new chibis as you can see
Neji and Sasuke just for me.
I want more, the others I will get,
Sakura and Naruto on my list
Kakashi is so cute and Funny in chibi mode.
Hinata is shy, as we all know.
This poem is rank, as you can see.
But i don't care, cuz it's just for me XP.

That wasn't a very bad poem, right? Right? Answer me!
Okay, every one is like, having multiple posts in one day. Thats pretty smart and more ppl actually comment on those... Hmm... everyones got a problem... Except for me. T_T
Sleep all day, Sleep all night

Killin' 'em softly...

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   Dum Dum Dum! A little story >.< Not my style actually T_T... Die you Low Lifes!!! Die!

So, I am trying to learn Jap and Spanish, but mostly Jap. I checked out The Everything Conversational Japanese Book yesterday, and a Manga how-to book, the basics in making manga I think. I finally got smart and took one of the many compostion books for my Jap. and Manga notes. >.< so weird. Okay, from wat I've seen on other ppl's site yesterday, it inspired me to make a lil' story...
The 1st enrty

Today we will talk about OPRAH. Not that I have anything against her, just because I did a skit involving her (me being Oprah of course ^-^ hehehehe)

Oprah: Today we have a women who has a very serious disease. Her name is Audrey. *everyone claps*
So Audrey, what is your problem Audrey?
Audrey: (quietly) I am shy and hardly talk to anyone.
Oprah: So, Audrey, your disease is a low self-esteem! I would hate to be you! But since I'm not, and I'm again glad I'm not, have something that can help you! Here you go!
*gives Audrey a mask*
Oprah: This is a very special mask that will help you and anyone with a low self esteem become more outgoing!
Audrey: I don't think this will help me.
Oprah: Believe me, It will, because Oprah knows best.
*Audrey puts on stupid looking mask*
Audrey: OMG! I feel more confident!
Oprah: Now, here is something that may be good for me, but bad for you! Since your wearing that ugly, stupid, nasty- I mean beautiful, smart, glorious mask, you need to pay $50.99 plus a tax of 20 bucks.
Audrey: Huh? Wh-what did u say? $70.99 for this peice of--
(This show has been censored for ur protection. We will return in about 10 days 5 hours and 45 minutes. This is a prediction from our psychics who think Audrey will try and sue Miss Oprah. Do not notify anyone, or you will be hunted down like the dogs you are! Ahem... That is all.)

OK. That was sorta stupid, I know, but i was bored! Most of the stuff in that were things I added, and didn't really perform.
So... tomorrow I have to go to the eye doctor because I lost my glasses 2 weeks ago. I don't know how but I did! Mmmm.... I just had a CRUNCH ice cream bar. It waz good. anyways, I ain't got anything else to type up, so PLA!

Killin' 'em softly...

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Wednesday, October 4, 2006

   Hey! Guess wat I did today! Uhmmmm.... well.... ok >.

Yay me! I found out that my library (public not skool) is having a anime club! It started today too, and I saw two episodes of Spiral. It waz pretty interesting. If you guys have ever watched the anime or read the manga(if they have one) then tell me what u thought about it. On October 13th, they are having a Manga Contest. 3 subjects:
1. Original anime
2. Fan Art
3. and Dishounji (if I spelled it wrong plz correct me >.<)

Okay, I have to admit that the Anime Club was fun, but not Animatious... It would be rated a 3 on the Animatious scale...(this site is a 4 at least if not less >.<)
Is it okay if I change my mind once more about my manga? Maybe I should make 2 mangas instead right? Well you know already about Motivate Me, but this other one I have in my head is more about Holidays then motivating people. I don't know... My mind is so simple I can get confused so easily... ok... thats mean to say about myself but it's true!


You are an animal! I am an animal! Humans are animals! Deal with it!!! I heard sumone say that they weren't an animal, but in reality, u r.
Here's wat I mean. If you break every animal into specific species, you get your Plants, Big cats, Cats, wolfs, DOGS(^-^), Apes, etc.
We, meaning humans, gorillas, etc. are in the Ape catigory. Or cousins (not the ones that are humans) would be gorillas, orangatangs, etc. we humans share 98-99.9% of our DNA w/other apes. But I just think I think too much. I could be wrong for 1. >.<
What do they call those Photoshop programs where you can color your drawings w/all the special effects and stuff? I want that for x-mas and my grandparents want me to pick ONE big thing for christmas, so thats basically wat I want.
Thats about it, so PLA!!! >.< < my famous constipated face(^-^)No i am not constipated... but in the Korean Drama thats on AZN, Euh-Nee or Eun-Hee (which eva 1) got constipated twice... Eeew, I know, but that joka was funny!


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Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Hey yal.

Yo... as I said, I would post up a halloween pic, and I did. Hopefully you guys can see 'em the same day I had them posted...
I will make more Halloween Pics. and I've decided that each month that has a holiday (fake or real) I'll create and post up in that month... If I can restrain from making them early and posting them early as well.
Wat else? Hmmmm.... Not much except that I found a really funny avatar... 2 actually. One says So Lonely, So Lonely, So Lonely, Mr.Lonely, and a pic. of chibi Sasuke sitting all glummy like. I'll tell u the website:
It's Funny.
The other has a Pic. of Tamari waving (not waving, waving)and smilin' and it says "B*tch Please"
It's so funny... to me at least.
Okay, Peace Love and Anime... til next time!!

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Monday, October 2, 2006

   Even though...

Even though it is not x-mas and it is 2 months away, I still drew a x-mas pic. I will post it up in december if I can keep it in check. It features 2 charcters: Reika Miyazawa and Angelic Jones. Maybe I should cange the title from Motivate Me to Even though... or not. I have another anime in my head, and it is about magical things... Okay, not really. it actually has to with a purdy magic thingy notebook, ment to trick humans into writing certain wishes and having them come true for a price. Like they have to do these tasks for spirits, demons, etc.
*sigh* I am so bored now, so I should say PLA now. Oh yea, one other thing... 2 actually.
2 days ago my mom went and bought an asia cook book called THE WOK BIBLE. One of the recipes I am dieing to try is called Tokyo-Style Ramen in Soup. I wanna try it cuz it looks good and it has pork in it.. >.<
The 2nd thing is that I will be posting up some pictures either today, tomorrow or later in the week/month. Well, actually there's a third.
3. I am gonna eat ramen, or the soup with the mega skinny noodles. But it's called Simple Asia, and it's like instant noodles, so it's not really athentic.
Anywho, Peace Love and Anime! >.<

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Sunday, October 1, 2006


Yo. How to yall like the new bg. It's for, you guessed it, the month of candy! Yummy delicious candy. I am starting my comic book called Motivate Me, as i said in my last post. Oh yea, Im not sick anymore. No no no. anywho, Let's talk about Naruto.
It was funny right... I couldn't wait to see it cuz I had read that chapter in book 11. But I am more on to the new opening animation and opening theme. It waz cool huh? I liked it, now I wanna know where the lyrics are and just listen to a cd if they have one.
Well thats abouot it... PLA! peoples!

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