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Friday, September 29, 2006

   Uuuuugggghhhhh!!!!! *cough cough*

Dude, i totally have a cold, and it sorta sucks, cuz im not sick enuff to stay outa school... Grrr. *cough cough* I have the regular runny nose, sinus cloggy-up thingy, sleepy me, you know.. *sniff* But i guess that's normal since it is the time of year when this happens... *sniff*
*sniff* I think since I was like 6 (thats as far as my memory can go)*sniff* I've always had a bad cold on x-mas... yes christmas. I'd be so sick, my head would hurt, god! it was freakin irritating! But that's okay, because *sniff* it makes me even more specialer (yes I said specialer).
*sniff* I started on my comic book called Motivate Me. Yeah... The characters are:
1. Yuri Okizuna- Brown Hair, Blue Eyes age:13 Energetic and alittle slow... >.< HUH?
2. Kiyoshi (Kiyo) Deshima- Black hair, blue eyes age:13 Motivater
3. Reika Miyazawa- Blonde hair, blue eyes age:13 Motivate, Good in Track, Basketball, V.G., and eating large food portions. ^-^
4. Angelic Jones- Violet hair, Green eyes age:14 Smart, passive/assertive, motivater/ motivate
5. Saori Matsumoto- pink air, brown eyes age:13 Energetic, Motivater, shortie (Grr..)


Ryuichi Yamada, Ami Watanabe, Mika Takahashi, and Daisuke the cat.
A few teachers:
Mr. Tahara, Coach Sano, Mr. Yoshida, and Mrs. Yabuki.
Princible Umetsu


*sniff* "Awarena(pitiful)" Middle school ... or "Juyona(great/important)" Middle School
I think that is about it... so Peace Love and Anime! >.<
"If you don't watch it I'll sue you, and I'll win!" -Papuwa

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Sunday, September 24, 2006


I have no clue what to do... I ahve an idea and it just goes bye bye! There's an idea I have--2 actually-- called Narrator, or Motivate Me. PAL (Psychics At Large) doesn't seem like a good book to me... so I am thinkin' real hard on this one...
*cough cough* I got a cold.... just a tiny one... Hace frio... it's cold here... anywho, I drew some more pics. I'll post 'em up If I can...
Let's see, there's FMA, SuperGALS!, uh.... Naruto, um, Lain (serial experiments Lain), and some originals...
I am so mad at myself for getting tired last night! I wanted to see Trinity Blood, but my stupid phone didn't wake me up to see... I did manage to catch Bleach and the rest... Grrr... I hate Robot Chiken. I like Orange Range, but I didn't bother to see what their song waz called on the Opening animation of BLEACH. Oh well... I think i'm about done here... TTYL!

Close the world Open the next (Serial Exper. Lain)

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

   I finally have an Idea!!! FMA

Yo! I have an idea for a manga called P.A.L. which stands for Psychic At Large. See, there are these psychic that have these really cool powers and one man wants to harness this power for himself. His daughter, Yuri, is one of the few psychics that is considered more valuable, or needed. They test psychics to see what makes them who they are, Mika being one of them who is Ryuichi's "younger sister"...
Now that I think about it...(in british accent) I don't like it one bit...*
The Korean soap called Full House reminds me of My Lovely Samsoon; they both involve dating contracts. Anywho...
I have nothng else to write about... Oh wait i do.(peolpe reading-awww!) Oh w/e!
It's about the FMA Movie... for those who watched it, it waz a great move right? I give it(from a scale from 1 to 5, 5 being the best) 5 animatious stars. I drew Ed and Al, too. I wonder... since scar died too from transmuting that Philosipher's Stone, did he cross over Like ed and his father did? The only thing i would tell you is that Ed's father kills himself... Envy's got issues... Well, Peace Love and Anime!

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Sunday, September 10, 2006

   Hey! What did you guys think?

So.... yesterday.... 9/9/06. Did you like the 2 new episodes that aired on adult swim? Trinity Blood and Bleach... hmm...Now that I've watched Bleach, maybe I'll actually read the manga. Hmmm... and T.B.? It waz okay. I liked both of 'em.
Now let's talk 'bout Naruto! That new ep. seemed too short to me but when I looked at the clock, it wasn't short *sobbs* It's like they say, Time flies by when you're having fun. Or in this case watching a really good anime. Maybe it's because alot happened in just one episode... The fight with Choji and the sound village guy was mad quick (it began and ended in the introduction!^-^ *laughs*), then the lil' ninjas were told that they had 1 month to get new techniques, and not to forget the thing with Sasuke, and Naruto getting a new sensei cuz Kakashi needed to help Sasuke train... walking on water sounds fun... Oh yeah, and I think that's about it *giggles* closet pervert...
I feel sorry for Renton in Eureka 7. Eureka's all weird looking and Renton can't do a thing for her... and Holland's not making anything easier for him. With out Renton relizing that Holland was actually trying to help Eureka, he just gets more and more mad with Holland. When Talho finally says somethin' to him, Renton goes out in the Nirvash (or Type Zero i think is it's other name) to help out Holland who has the Vodarac Priest that can help Eureka. Poor poor Renton... he was beating up this LFO (they're called LFOs right?) and as he steps on it, something falls off... It's the dudes arm!!! Eeewww gross... not really though. It was sadder when the dude had a ring on his finger... Poor poor dude in the LFO. Can't wait to see the next episode,
Ep.21 Runaway

Well that's about it! PLA!!

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Monday, September 4, 2006

   Harsh........... poses and such

Yesterday I went to check out other ppl's original anime (im on pg. 111 last I checked) and I felt bad... Most ppl had mad good art... animatious stat. I felt like there was really great art in the and that ani 1 who didn't draw well to the animatious stat messed up the whole page... I was scared that that might happen with my aren't.. No, it didn't, my art just looked corny... *sigh* I need anime poses so bad... that's why when I posted 5 new pics. today, they all had a pose from the same book... The New Generation of MANGA ARTISTS Vol.8 THE Yasuyuki Tsurugi PORTFOLIO... But like I said, I need more poses! I am now going to search for some, and look up japanese recipes too... Oh, and not to forget that I need a comic book featuring angels, cuz they seem cool to me. Just looking at my 5 pics makes me excited cuz I know I'll be making a manga soon... hopefully... >.<
Peace Love and Anime!

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

   I have one!


Yo! I finally got a Sudoku book! I later figured out how to solve it, w/o the help of the book because this is all it said:
"Sudoku is fun and easy to play! There is no math involved--just reasoning and logic! Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9."
I guess my liltle brain couldn't get all that, but I finally solved 3 puzzles... sigh... I want the other sudoku one... the kudoku one... or however you spell... anywho... PLA! 'til later.

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

   Yo! Sup my peeps... a site no one goes to?... hmmmmmmmmmmm...

I'm not all that upset about ppl not cumin' to my site... but then again... I do always have too much stuff to say... sum not relating to anime, but mostly asia...
I posted up sum new pics and now have over 10 pictures. Anywho... yall can check 'em out.
This reminds me of an episode I saw w/these 5 or sumthin' priests and one had a web page and only 1 fan... One of her friends was like, "...So, how does it feel to have a website no one goes to..." *SIGH* that's how I feel about this site...
Make sure you check out blah blah blah... Peace Out! 'Til Next Time >.<

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Saturday, August 19, 2006

   Yo! It's saturday...

Hi-o my peoples... Let's see... now I have HOW TO DRAW MANGA ULTIMATE LESSONS Vol.1,2,4,5, and I want vol.6.
I want to draw Ran Kotobuki from SuperGALS!, but I can't find the right pic. I finished drawing this picture of Miyazawa and these 6 pictures around her, from Kareshi Karojyo no Jijyo, or Kare Kano. When I was translating that, I didn't get the exact words to match some of them but it later came up to his her circumtances, even though I knew thats wat it waz going to say, I still wanted to translated it. *grin*
Some other show characters I want to draw are
1. Ikki Tousen
2. Princess Tutu
3. SuperGALS! (as I already said)
4. Furi Kuri (CANTI!!!)
5. Big O (maybe)
6. ect.....
I keep saying That I have a comic book, or I want to create one... but that's only something I can dream about... do you ever have an imagination blockage and when you see a cool manga you wish that you had made that up, so now your even more screwed up? If NO, then you have nothin' to worry 'bout, right? If YES welcome to my world... but I do want somwthin like SuperGALS! and Kare Kano, because they both take place at skool and tell of real skool problems (Kare Kano does that mostly, and SuperGALS! is the funnier of the 2).
Well, I think that's about it... I will post up more pictures... Peace Love and Anime!!!

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Wednesday, August 9, 2006

   Anime shows i've seen...

I think it waz last week that I discovered that comcasts on demand had anime on it. some anime shows i am hoping to see more of are:
1. Negima
2. Moon Phase
3. Kare Kono
4. SuperGALS! (which is the funniest show iv'e seen since Fooly Cooly)
5. Myth/Loki, something about a god being sent to earth as a little boy for punishment or somethin'.
6. Maze
7. Shingu
8. Demon Lord Dante
9. Shrine Morning Mist
10. Piano
11. Ayane's Kick
12. Get Backers
13. Utena the series
14. Full Metal Panic
15. DNAngel
16. Ghost Stories
17. Mezzo
18. New Wings
19. Princess Tutu
and maybe some more... i dunno.

There was one I saw with a lot of episodes called Ikki Toousen... the weirdest show i saw... My mom saw some of it and was like "... the people who drew them must of been men and perverts." I do agree cuz they liked to show as much underwear and torn up shirts and tits as possible.... It was horride...
But then there was some show called Gravtion... or sumthin like that... This dude is a writing a song and some "cool" guy reads it on accident, and says it was the worst love son he's ever read. The dude who critizies the paper was a writer of romance novels himself. anyways, the kid who wrote it kept showing up where the cool dude was (but only 2 other times) so the guy would aplogize, but instead the cool dude is like... do u like me or sumthin? the kid runs after him cuz I guess he wanted advice on love songs or sumthing... but the next thing i knew the cool guy kissed the dude who chased him into the elevator! What a shocker, cuz we expect to see characters like the opposite sex since they usually do... but oh well. I said to myself that i didnt want to see the next episode... but i think i did cuz i wanted to confirm if they were really gay... be fortunatly they only had one episode of it.

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Friday, July 21, 2006

   YAY! PLA means Peace Love and Anime or People Love Anime. >.

yesterday was my b-day! yay! i got 50 dollars and bought:
1. MORE How to draw Manga drawing Kit
2. The new generation of Manga Arts Vol.8 THE Yasuyuki Tsurugi PORTFOLIO
3. a cute Monkey phone charm
4. Japanese-English dictionary
5 1/2. I didn't buy this, but I went to Panera for lunch... mmmm...... chicken soup and cream cheese danish.
5.How to create Virtual Beauties: Digital Manga Characters (w/ some of my moms money ^-^)

I wanted Vol. 3, THE Rengu PORTFOLIO... but then I won't have a whole lot of money left (I only had 30 bucks left and those books cost 14.99 each +tax).

I only posted that up cuz it had some anime and manga related things to it. I have 3 new characters:
1. Kawaii Ichigo (ichigo kawaii)
2. Micheal (his last name is unknown cuz i dont really have one... if you guys do, lemme know, iight?)
3. Mika Moore (she is from FL, so if I were to make a manga, she would be listed as a transfer student, blah blah blah.)

Well, what else do i have to say. Nothing else I supposed. I need more money to get more stuff. Like a few games and The New Generation of MANGA Artists Vol. 3. Hmmmmm... I am watching some korean soaps and I think i have watched at least 3.
1. i forgot the name but it waz about these friends and 2 of them kinda liked each other i guess. The guy got hit by a car trying to hurry to the girl... When they grew up she got engaged with the other friend of hers how really liked her (after 10 years not to mention. i think they were in high skool). Anywho they meet up with this guy who looks like him... the guy who got hit by the car and died... but it turned out it was that same guy! BUT, another twist between the 2 was that even though they loved each other... but coudnt be together cuz they found out they were half siblings! FIN
2. This gambler owes money and has to bunk with this girl he ran into... the 2 start to like each other but a few ppl are kinda messing up the mood. The boss of a company the girl works at likes her, the guy bunking with her liked another girl before her though. The girl the guy liked be4 liked this other guy who is the boss of the company... whoo! Mr. Boss likes Tough Girl( the girl who lets the Guy bunk with her just until he graduates from law skool) and she might like Mr.Boss (but only a tiny tiny bit). PrettyGirl (the girl who liked Mr.Boss) doesnt really like the Guy (the dude bunking w/ToughGirl), but she dates him anyway to see if Mr.Boss would get jealous, but he doesn't. Not to mention Tough Girls parents and Brother and the Guy's grandparents. *sigh* In the end ToughGirl and the Guy grow up and ToughGirl visits the little appartment she stayed in when bunking w/the Guy. The Guy shows up (he is living at the appartment) and they both smile happy like, cuz they get to see each other again... FIN
3. This is a recent on, but I think it ended today cuz they did not show what would come on the next episode. Boksoo, Mirae,Mr.Han, and Geyonge (< I think thats how you spell her name) are the characters of the Korean soap, As You Wish. Boksoo is a pickpocket who changes his ways when he takes money from Geyonge. Gyeonge meets a reporter who she calls (from all I know) Mr.Han. Mr.Han likes her but she starts liking Boksoo after he actually tries to repay her 50 million won i think. Mirae gets jealous and so does Mr.Han. But Mr.Han is a Jerk so Geyonge never went out with him really. Boksoo finds out he has tumors in him brain so he tries to do good while he still can. In the end Boksoo and Geyonge start dating and get caught by Mirae who gets really ticked and starts hating Geyonge. Then they both get hair cuts... Boksoo gets one from mirae and G. gets one from a salon.
Boksoo:"Let's meets later"
Boksoo hangs up the phone...
I think its upseting cuz Mirae is pressuring Boksoo. Boksoo's Dad tells him that it is a sin to make someone feel lonely... Boksoo maybe an ex-PickPocket nand Ex-con, but he's a sweet guy, ya know? FIN

Thats about it... PLA and have a good day/night/IPODS NICE ^-^

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