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Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I lurv that song. XD! And so does meh mom. Oh ja..
Meh a Le kun played Burn Out: Revenge. I LOVE that game with a passion. VROOOM! We were playing 2-playah and meh beated him. He's all hella good at GH 3, but I'm bomb at Burn Out... or a short while. XD!
(7-4)... XD! I luv that game so MUCH...

GH 3 ish killen meh. Meh battled against Slash on Medium (there where two Slash's on da screen!!) and meh was killed... bleh... but OF COURSE Le kun did hella good beating him (after about 3 tries...) =D

RAWR!! My DS keeps truning on by itself... it's ticken meh off. I'll get a new one, and it'll ba all sy blueish-like.

i want a cookie now... and some teriyaki chicken w/rice... yumm

R A W R~ Drowning Pool. . .

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Monday, March 3, 2008

   My fantasy Guitar Hero

I remember seeing something that someone wroting sawing how it'd be awesome if they made a Guitar Hero Internatial game. I'm listening to "Blaze Away" by TRAX right now and can totally see myself playing this song on EASY... Speaking of which, let me tell you of my slight depression:
Le kun was ovah at the house we're staying at and was playing my Guitar Hero game (I lurv that game to death! XD!) Just watching other people play it gets me all figgety... Anywho, he was playing on hard and I was watching all the little button thingies go by... it hurt meh heart so.. There's no way I'd evah be able to get past Hard (or even on it), and definetly not Expert. rawr... Mehs sad that my fingers will never move that fast, and here I thought I'd be able to play my future guitar. Maybe if I play it, it'll be a bit easier... no sé.

I feel so uneducated now... I'm getting dumber with each passing school day... -.-' I've already missed two weeks of school... I'm bored because there's no one to talk to at 5 (-3 it's still school there... it'd be 2... 3 hour diff.)

Yummy Lemon starburst... yum... XD!

R A W R~ "Cresent Moon" Ayaka. . .

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Saturday, March 1, 2008


I have arrived and meh saw SAW 4... sih very gross and scary... The scariest I've eva seen... ja... One Last Call was scary too, but only cuz of that zombie chick, the girl getting pulled into the pond, the baby doll, and the girl who cut her sister (when I saw that I was like "wtf?!" who does that???). The Hills Have Eyes was SOOO bad! Not scary at all... just nasty... *shivers* When I thought some parts would be scary, they weren't... *much disappointment* But Saw 4... that was scarwee. rawr...

I want some paper so I can doodle... and some Mech Pencils... and a better eraser.... and some NY Pizza....

I wanna check out that Korean shop in Manhattan... yeah... maybe I'll do that in the near future...

R A W R~ Ooh... 3 hour diff. plump, dump, goo. . .


The weather was really bad yesterday... We saw a car slipp 'n' slide across the street in front of us... It made butterflies in meh stomach... A lot of ppl ended up in ditches and others were speedy. We were SLOW... caution. We were meh mom's precious cargo... after about 5 days on deh road, I'm tired of eating... Meh just want juice... yummy apple juice... *grumble tummy*

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Friday, February 29, 2008

   Mehs almost there...

I'm in Ohio now... Toledo... ja... and today's meh younger brother's b-day. We're supposed to be in NY later on today... XD! What I really wanna do when I get there is see some ppl I haven't seen in what seems like forever, then eat NY pizza (XD!), find that Korean shop meh mom's pen pal works at, and ... call ppl. yeah...

I really like this new computer we got... ish fast... ja...

It's really cold here... It was snowing earlier and it probably still is...

R A W A~ *yawn* hasta luego. . .

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Monday, February 25, 2008


*sigh* I woke up at around 5:50 am so I could catch my friends before they left for the bus to go to school. My friend Kirstie gave me some body gel (I hate ba soap...), fake nails (I havent had any since 5th grade) and body soak (soak soak soak soak)... I gave her a book I made. I draw ALL of 'em and inked all of them by myself and colored some too. Like one of those NEW GENERATION books (the portfolios). I was workin' hella hard yestersday trying to finish that. I almost cried when I saw her... And because of that I wasn't able to say much on the phone withmy other friend Audrey. And then I called Shane since he wasn't at home... he was with some chick I hate... *Rawr* >:O!!

So just a while ago I left meh house and me and meh brothers gave meh dad a huge. Then meh Dad starts crying cuz he won't see us for a long time and then i get teary-eyed cuz he's crying... Even now I'm starting to cry, but I can't... I'm in da library... Gotta download some shows for the road...
I can't wait to get to New York... I lurv their pizza... XD!

R A W R~ To all my friends, I LOVE U ALL!! And I'll try and see y'all in 10 years (or sooner)!!!! To those I will see in da future, I love u too and can't wait to see ya! XD! *hugs*. . .

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

   It was awesome!!!

Did u guys see the solar eclipse last night?! O-M-G.... twas so awesome. There was another eclipse thingy in '05 I think but meh missed. I thought the eclipse was so awesome.... I was at meh friends house jumping up and down in his front yard.... XD! I was mad that I forgot to take a pic... meh friend told me there's gonna be another one in 2010 or 2011... idk...

Our site is up!!! YAY! But I forgot the URL... It's on a free site thingy so It's gonna be a long name, like pooponastick.thisisawebsiteyoucanuseforfree.com...

R A W R~ I wanna see a lunar eclipse. . .

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

   Happy Valentine's Day! *Meh Oopsie...

Happt V-Day everyone! XD!

I usually hate valetine's day cuz it makes me jealous, but today was really bad.

I got on the bus this morning and one of my friends that I don't talk to anymore came up to me and handed me 4 roses--1 pink and 3 red. She told me one was mine, another was Audrey's, and the other two were for twins. I didn't know who they were from, so I assumed they were from her. So I gave all the roses to it's peeps and kept the pink one thinking it was some kind of Good-Bye Present. (And it was pretty)
Later that day my other friend, Cole, took the flowers and pretended that he was giving it to ppl. One girl thought he was serious , but I told her the pink flower was mine, but told her to keep it. Even later on that day, my other friend, Shane, texted me asking if I sent the flowers. I figured out that the pink flower was for the girl he liked, one of the twins.

I felt really bad because I kinda messed it up for him (DX!) but if I had of known who it was from, I would have figured it out. I feel really bad... And what was worse was when Audrey told me the expression on his face when she told him something... -.-' But he said he was going to get Cole to buy the twin another rose... It's a good thing today was my last day at school... I can avoid any more embarrassment...

R A W R~ How was your Valentine?. . .

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

   How's everyone doin'?

Meh? Estoy asi-asi. The time of moving is drawing nearer ever so much. Tomorrow i smy last day of school here in this cold state. *o happeh days* Today was my last day of clase de Espanol and my Graphic Design class. Tomorrow shall be the last day of any remaining classes (math and PE --I have to do swimming tomorrow in PE--)... roar...

I guess I'll watch some Blood+ today and some Bleach...

R A W R~ Y'all have a good day now. . .

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Monday, February 11, 2008

   The production of our zine... ish going SLOOOOOOOW

O-M-G man O-M-G. My friend was talking to her mom about me (mega blush). They were saying how good I was (which is a fat lie) at drawing and how this online mag would be a good way to show other people my stuffies... Now that my frined has told me that, I'm more hesitant on doing it. No se. It's just really embarrassing... ja...
But meh shall continue even though it is...

Then there's the issue of getting a web site with our own Domain Name. This Thursday I am hoping to have the doamin name and a little of our site done. I need to get a probram to make watermarks or just edit it in some way...

The design that I talked about a couple posts ago is near its close! XD! I am almost done with it. *Yay* I'm using Adobe CS2 (or something like that) and what's great is that I'm kind of using it for free. XD! I wonder if I still have to pay the $10 lab fee since I'm leaving soon. no se.... I wanteds to shade it but I don't know if I can... anywho, I'll post it up (or at least what I have so far). ... ... ... ...

R A W R~ Rawr!! We only have five people in our zine. Have a nice day y'all. . .

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Friday, February 8, 2008

   Luna Azul Mag.

Me and my friend are making this magazine. I don't know if its going to be printed or on a website, but while I'm still here, we have to hurry and finish some things. Hopefully it's something I'll stick to. I kind of have to since my friend is buying the Domain name. And it's kinda fun because I get to design practically EVERYHING. XD!
Well, anywho, here's some things we are including in our On-line Mag.:
  • Poems (self explanitory)
  • Asian Nation (anime, manga news, Korean stuffies, etc.)
  • News
  • Issues of Today (what's on our minds, like how we feel about certain deragatory words or the war in Iraq)
  • Dream Interpritation
  • Advice Column
  • And some other sutff...

I'm in charge of somethings, but the one thing I think I'll trouble on is the Asian Nationsection. I, of course, don't have any insight on the latest news in asia about anime, etc. unless I went to another site and got it from them. Kinda don't wanna do that. If anyone wants to, they can be a part of the mag. and help us wih some things.

The part I'm probably most psyched about is the drawing part and rating games... ja... =D

R A W R~ Starbucks. . .

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