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Thursday, December 20, 2007

   Site meh

I was thinking of making a website and almost did, but now I'm not sure if I can because I don't know wat the site could be about (only randomness comes to mind).
Maybe later...

Meh can't wait for deh holis... :D

R A W R~ Weebly. Meh feels like drawing but meh can't because meh doesn't have any comp. paper *sad am I*. . .

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

   Le Portrait de Petite Cossette | Ergo Proxy

I was extremley lucky! I was flipping through the channels and saw an anime. I saw the little girl that someone had on their layout at one time (I think)
I was lucky because it was the FIRST episode. Meh likes it.

That was Ergo Proxy.

This new anime is on right now and it looks nice. That one is called "Le Portrait de Petite Cossette."

R A W R~ hasta luego...

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Friday, December 14, 2007

   *whistle a tune*

Como esta?

estoy buen y concada...

Nothing really happened today, but I think I have to do an essay. I just got finished doing one about the Causes of Conflict (my topic was the Rwanda Genocide).

This other one is in English class and we have to write about cloning. Are we for or against it?

That's all...

R A W R~ How do you feel about cloning? (There are different types- Theropeudic, Reproductive, and another I can't remember). . .

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

   I hate waking up early...

Everday that we have school I wake up at 5:50 am. This has effected me on weeends and days hen we don't have school by me waking up at around 8 9 or 10 am. I'd like to sleep in until like 12 or 1pm, but that won't really be happening...

Guess wahts happening out side (and sticking)?

It's snowing! I haven't been in a very good mood lately but I know I love the snow so that makes me happy. :D

Meh should take pictures, even if there isn't a lot of snow...

R A W R~ NYPD (New York Pizza Devourer). . .

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Friday, December 7, 2007

   RAWR!! *Needs ideas*

O meh gorsh... gorshie... gorsh...

It's Soo's birthday today (and someone in my class too).
I only have one pic completed and I don't like it at all... it uploaded it here...

I need to come up with something good... Knowing meh, I'll probably come up with something when it's considered tomorrow where he lives or where I live. I'll have to draw a lot then...

Yeah... meh water ish boilin'... oodles of noodles...

R A W R~ como esta? estoy asi-asi y consada. . .

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

   Bomb Threat... Happy B-day...

Our school went on Lock-down. Supposedly someone told the administrator that there was a student who has something dangerous that they were threatening with. People were saying it was a bomb threat, but this is to not be taken seriously since this information was second-hand (students like rumors and rumors like naive students). We got luch still. Then it went right back to lock-down.

1st- a BUMBY ride (bus and collision)
now - threat of a dangerous weapon...
what will occurr tomorrow???

Friday is the birthday of Soo, my moms pen-pal. He's from Korea and lives where we are about to move to. He's learning English and my mom is helping him, while at the same time he gives us some Korean words. I'm about to draw another picture (I drew one already, but it's not good...) and I'll e-mail it to him.
The pictures that I make (if I like them) I will post up on theO.

R A W R~ "la cabeza. me duele la cabeza, la cabeza. llamale al doctor. te duele la cabeza? me duele la cabeza. cabeza! cabeza! doctor! doctor! aye!..." -Concion... a song we sang in Spanish Class. . .

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

   undah the weathah... funneh

Today I was about an hour late for school.
My bus bumped into another car, so we had to sit there and wait for the 4 MPs to ake our personal info (phone #, address, etc) and stuffies. It was alright...

I forgot I had a test in first period tho, and I only had 30 minutes left in class. I finshed most of it. I have one last thing to do...

It's raining... still...

R A W R~ *sigh*. . .

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

   bleh. . .

It snowed yesterday and rained today.
It's raining hard too, ever now and then.
It got very windy as well.

R A W R~ "Un dia una chica que se llama Lolita esta enferma..." . . .

R A W R~(2) wonder what will happen next? will it hail. . .

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Saturday, December 1, 2007

   Hace Frio...

On the 1st of December (today) it snowed...
Nothing stuck so it may have snowed a lot but
It didn't cover anything.
It wasn't that cold either, but I guess wearing a jacket isn't good too.

"Shaun of the Dead."

R A W R~ la fecha de hoy es el primero de diciembre. hace frio. . .

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   Hola Pplz. Como estas?

Estoy asi-asi. El dia de hoy es viernes (sabado). Si....

Describing a monster in 10 sentences is hard... sorta... The sentences I didn't didn't sound right, but I won't really fix them...


R A W R~ Me duele la cabeza. Por que? yo no se...

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