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Saturday, January 20, 2007

   Snow Days. It's been 10 days since i last posted... I think
I have a couple of pics I'm gonna post. Some pics I've drawn over the week and that Happy New Year's Pic... I finally flt up to it to come on here. Me was just too lazy to do anything, but oh wells. I have lots to say. ^^

2 days ago, Thursday, January 18th, 07 at 11 PM, I watched Afro Samurai. Hehe... I'm madew cuz It first aired on Spike last year, July 17 o6. I find Ninja Ninja to be very funny. He's like that black dude that neva shuts up. I think his name is Ninja Ninja. Thats what the captions said. ^^ I can't beleive that I still remember his. ^^ Afro is the 2nd best Samurai. He looks like some crazy black dude, but maybe thats because of his Afro blowin' in the wind. He doesn't talk much. He's that cool quiet black dude. Afro only usually says "Shut Up" to Ninja Ninja, cuz He's ALWAYS talkin'. Anyways. The episode I saw was about Afro fighting his double who is an android. "Afro-droid." Afro Samurai is really an anime. I wanted to make sure. ^^ I couldn't see that credits to know who that asian peeps were, but at the end it said "Gonzo", like at the end of Eureka 7... I think. Me no remembers. It's a really funny show. XD!

Snow Days
This was my school week:
1/8-9/07- School
1/10/07- No School
1/11/07- School
1/12/07- No School
1/15/07- Holiday (right?... yea)
1/16-17/07- No School
1/18-19/07- School
I hate my skool. If we miss any days of school that isn't planned we have to make it up at the end of the year (instead of June 14 it was June 20 sumthin' that we'd get out of skool, but now it might be later), because "By law you have to have 180 days of school." *sigh* You can't help Nature. I don't think I would of had this problem at my other skool. In Florida I think the reason why I wouldn't have this problem is becuz the only thing that could hold us back from skool is Hurracanes... -.- me can't spell...

It's Korean

I've only learned like 2 or 3 maybe 4 words in Korean just from watching Korean Soap Operas. No, Yes, Hello, Taxi, Hotel... Some new ones I learned are: Keh (dog. I now now dog in 4 languages; Inu, Perro, Dog, and Keh ^^), San (Mountain), and some more I can't type off the top of my head. I know how to recognize some korean characters... I don't think I'll be able to learn Korean, becuz I'm not really into the Korean language, though it would be nice to know what they are saying. I'm too used to the Japanese and Spanish pronounciation...
If "panjee" were a Japanese word (I don't know if it is) it'd be pronounced as pan-jay... But in Korean, "Panjee" is Pan-G (gee). Unlike the English Language, Korean Words are said the way they are spelled. Most of the time. (BTW, "panjee" means "pants" in Korean.) (EX.) The Korean word for "Taxi" is "teksee" and is pronounced tek-shee.

Well, that's all I need to say I guess. I am now bored and so I shall now post up my pic. ^^


( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnie and Cream...

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