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Saturday, January 27, 2007

   An OMG moment- Darfur, Sudan- Africa
~I'm finally writing about something quite useful for people. ^-^' I've been upset just a little about an hour ago (right now it's 10:08 PM). The reason for that has nothing to do with Darfur, Sudan- Africa. More about me wanting to go back to Florida... Me so lonely. I have friends, but I don't like calling them my true friends. My true friends and best friends are in Florida... I wish I could of at least finished 7th grade in FL rather then in WA.... Oh wells... Back to something more important!
What's Up in DARFUR

A site that you can go to for some Darfur information (and more if I have failed to give it to you) is here at Save Darfur dot Org.
~My teacher, Mrs. Delainey, is a teacher who is very emotional... -.- She gets too into a situation that may or may not be serious. Ex.: We were making some posters and ribbons for the MLK Assembly (which never happened BTW) and I was drawing. Mrs. Delainey (or was it Delainy...) saw me drawing and said "Are you drawing?" and I responded with a "Yeah"... She had "the look" on her face that was like... "Jeez... You'd think..." anyways, I just don't really like her... She's nice an' all, but...

Oh yeah! While in me 1st per. class, my teacher Mrs. Delainey (I 4got how to spell her name so we'll just say Mrs. D) saw something about Darfur in Africa. What she saw she told us... In a way, it was better than doing all that Holocaust work...

As with the Holocaust and the Genocide that occured, you could say that history is repeating itself. Darfur, Sudan is a target of the Janjuweed who are the ones killing the Darfurians. You know how some enemies will do some weird and desturbing things to their enemy as a means to destroy their society? Well, the Janjuweed (as with others before them such as the ancient Romains) would rape the women of villages as one way of destroying their society. *shudders* eww... rape...

Villages have been burned, peoples lives have been taken. Those who have died had suffered and those who have survived are displaced, might be tortured, or murdered. When women go out to get wood for fire, they MUST be escurted (sry for spelling) for if they do not, they might be targeted and killed or raped.

The fact that the US has yet to do much about this has boggled some peoples minds. We are supposed to be the "Most Powerful" country, but we have yet to do anything. I'm not too big on this whole thing, but I guess there isn't much that I can do about that. I'm sorry for people in Darfur who have suffered, but I am just a kid who was more concerned about other things and that being the last thing on my mind, and it never crossed it either. I just thought that If anyone wanted to they could try and be "heros" for Darfur. That's what Mrs. D wants us to be. "Known for our" sumthin' me forgets... -.- (can I not get serious for even this? jeez...)

I don't wanna make this a hella long post, even though it might be already, but l8r I'll post up 3 of my poems of Darfur that Mrs. D thought were nice. I don't like having to have one specific topic and using what I know to make a poem. I find it... HARD. But I came up with 2 Free Verses and 1 Haiku. I just HAD to do the Haiku... YESH... JAPANAMATIOUS... (Like Animatious w/o the ani... I guess... Japan- Amatious... and adding an "A"... You know what? This is pointless... ForGets it! Me is tireds and wants to go to... Zzzzzzz...)
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¥1,000 is equal to... I don't know... Around 8-10 USD... XD!

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