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Saturday, January 27, 2007

   Dafur Poems- 2 Free Verse 1 Haiku
I'm not big on these kinds of things, but as I said, I'd post up the Poems...

While We...
While we go to work
While we play at school
While we go shopping
While we visit our loved ones
While we enjoy life in this country that seems powerful and invinsible,
There is a region that is suffering:

Genocide- Freeverse
We play football like most children do.
Laughing, Playing, Helping out the village.
But that all changed.
These men came in our village like a vicious storm.
They murdered our people
They burned down our homes
They raped our women
They caused us so much grief.
Who will be our savior?
Who will come and renew our land?
Will anyone stand up for us?
Or will they wait until it's too late?

Genocide- Haiku
Gun shots fill the air
Women are screaming, crying
Can no one hear us?

Those were the three poems I made. I didn't really like them. When Mrs. D read them, she made them sound more... stronger than what I thought of them to be, which wasn't much.

( )_( )
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