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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Friday, February 2, 2007

   Don't you just hate it when...
... When you see so many original anime's that look really (i mean REALLY) pretty, beautiful and/or cute and you want to comment on them ALL and have 'em as a Fave...? I hate that... It's torture... -.- ookie...
Don't you just hate it when:
... When you are watching TV and all of a sudden the TV goes off for NO REASON WHAT SO EVER!?... The Remotes FAR away from my butt and/or hands...
... When you're playing your favourite VG and are almost done with it (you've been playing for about 8 hours+ all day) and your dog, younger sibling, or for some other annoyig reason, messes up the game, or knocks on it so that then you HAVE to start ALL OVER AGAIN?... Me hates that. especially when you've practically finished the game and ur dog descides to chew on ur memory card... >.<
... When you have that SHORT TERM MEMORY thing going on and you can't find your remote, etc. and you're getting really pissed and you find it next to you? I hate that... T_T... Ookie...
... When you leave for about 5 seconds and all of a sudden you f***ing food "magically" dissappers?...
... When you are limited by time on the interenet and you REALLY want to check out like HUNDREDS more wallies, art, etc. and then your booted off? I REALLY hate that...
Don't you hate it when you just don't know what to hate anymore because you practically hate every thing and everybody subconciously or the total opposite (where you can't love anymore because you've loved to the unltimate limit and your heart is just ready to burt... BOOM!)? I don't know about that last one... ^^

Don't you just LOVE it when you're around the people who love most... yourself...
Oh yeah... family and friends too... << and maybe your BF/GF... << What ever floats your boat...

( )_( )
Love me or Die...
OOH! You just threatened people I don't know! >>

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