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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Saturday, February 17, 2007

   I know I'm late but...
~XD! It was friggin' awsome! XD! Final Fantasy VII (which is 7, right? -.-'). FF VII: Advent Children is the 2nd FF movie I've seen. The first one was Final Fantasy: The spirits within... Back then I was a naive soul -.- I thought that the people were real and I had no idea what the movie was called. Now I do and am appauled! I had no idea... just like I had no idea that when you get scratched or any other injury, it isn't "magic" it's your body mending itself... -.- I like looking back at how... uhmmm... silly... yeah... silly I was.
~ Anyways, I liked Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, because the characters looked... *sigh* I liked the main character- Cloud and his "brother"- Kadaj. I liked the way Kadaj's eyes looked. Awsome-ness. And hair... I wanna see the anime version. Yesh... I almost (key word- ALMOST) shed a tear when Kadaj passed aways... Almost... and didn't... not that sad... just felt sorry for the dude... heh... "Mother".... Jenova... Another movie I saw at home on the lappie top:
I didn't feel like reading the English Captions so I set it to the English dubbed version. When some of the Chinese characters spoke... sometimes the words would match up, which was weird. At the same time I had the channel on Ch. 70- AZN. They were also showing a Chinese movie. Initial D, which of course, is based off the Japanese Manga, Initial D. I didn't bother watching it... not with the comedy on... heh... old people fighting... ^^

I really need to be up to date with this... I mean, FF VII came out last year, right. My mom asked me If I wanted the game and I was like Nah... But I don't know. (Cloud Smiles! -amazment of one of the producer peoples). The graphics were Kick-ass though.

( )_( )
(")_(") 6:59PM...

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