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Thursday, March 22, 2007

   Hotel Rwanda
Have you guys ever seen that movie? My first period class just finished it today and it was a sad movie too.

This hotel manager names Paul is a good man who tries to save thouands of people from the "Hutu" who are trying to kill all the "Tootsies". Paul is a Hutu himself (and smart XD!) and has marryed a Toostie himself as well. I hate the part when the American army comes and lifts the african peoples spirits, but then crushes it when all they came for were the Americans. The only people left to help Paul, his family, and the 100's of Tootsie refugees where some UN. It's sad to see that all those people died and that we didn't do anuthing to help them. Paul had to use his smarts to bribe some Hutu army from killing all the people at the Hotel. (Not all the Tootsie refugees where able to leave to another country- Paul and his family live in Belguim... isn't that in Germany?...)... When the UN were taking the people who could go to another place to a camp there were hundreds of displaced Tootsie. The facte that that's going on today is upsetting, but as the camera man said in the movie (or at least as close to memory as I can get): "people in America will say 'Oh that's horrible' and go right on to living their lives"

It was a good movie too. I ALMOST cried on some parts... but didn't... They were sad, don't get me wrong- but I didn't feel like crying in the morning...

( )_( )
(")_(") The Rwanda genocide ended in 1993, but of course there happens to be another genocide accuring too- Darfur, Sudan. ...

I can see why so many people dislike America so much. We aren't "caring" at all... not really at least. Some people actually have a heart. Of course it is true that the only thing some of us can do now is say "That's horrible" and move on.


Bye Bye!

10:18 PM
Listening to: "Sexy Sexy" by Cascade

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