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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

   No No's!!
Isn't it a type of Plagersim when you copy someones ORGINAL ART (given that they had permission to) and then rename that orginal art of another persons (w/o permission!).

I let this girl at school take some of my drawings so that she could do yada yada with it. (Copy, etc.). She wants me to draw her and Gaara together (which I have yet to do) and so she gave me her Tracing Paper book thingy as reference. I saw one of my Twins in there that I knew she had already taken. They're my original charcters and their names were Aiko Ota and Marin Ota (the Ota twins). I saw that she had renamed them to "Kira" and "Kiley" and then put "The Sabutoshi Twins."
She had another pic that is actually in my Porti. It's the pic of Emi Uzuhara. Thankfully she didn't rename it. So before she did (if she was going to) I wrote in pen her name and who the artist was.

There was a little note I gave to her in her book thingy. She should take it as a warning (tho i didn't say it was in the note). If she does it a second time I won't take any of her requests again whether it be to just draw Naruto pics (She is REALLY into Naruto) or borrowing my stuff. I don't like it when people take others stuff and claim it as their own or alter the artwork so that anyone who sees might assume that it's theirs.

I gotta draw someone as an anime girl. I said I would redraw it but didn't yesterday cuz of the Homework. I'll just give her the one I didn't really like. T_T I don't have HW now and that's only true for skool but not in the anime world... i'm not even that good (better than from when I started tho. I don't understand how the kids in my 5th and 7th grade class liked my drawings. Looking back now, it's funny. XD!) I don't even wanna draw Gaara and the other girl together. I don't feel like it. Then again, I should start now and get it over with...

( )_( )
(")_(") R A W R!! . . .

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