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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Sunday, April 8, 2007

O yesh! I have finally found a site that translates japanese to romaji to english! XD! I had this dream that was like an anime show cuz I had it a couple nites ago and last nite i dreamt about it again, sorta like Episode 2. XD! It had to do with a guy named Egg (i guess cuz his head was egg shaped... even tho it wasn't) and some rookie chick on a skateboard in this "secret" arena made just for skatboarding competitions... and another guy names I.V.N. (or Ivn - pronounced sorta like 'even'). U spell it out and his real name is putting the letters together. anyways... it was an intresting dream.

Yesterday me, my dad, and 2 lil' bros went to EB Games and GameStop (I wish this state had Rhinos too. That game store is really cheap... YAY low prices!). I was lookin for some Xenosaga games. Both EB Games and GameStop had Xenosaga: Episode I, II, and III. My dad said that if it was still there next Pay Day he'd get Episode I. I wanna see why Le Kun likes it so much... Any other games u recommend?

( )_( )
(")_(") R A W R...

aw... SB over already... -.-' back to school...

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