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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Saturday, April 14, 2007

   I got bored so I wrote this last night . . .
Ysterday I showed my parents that poem- "The Sick Rose." I asked them what they thought it meant since we have to choose a challenging poem and sort of "decipher" it. I like poems that strain your brain a little, so I descided to make a similar poem. I showed it to my mom and dad and they actually thought someone else wrote it. XD! I couldn't stop smiling when they were figuring out my poems meaning. When I told them I wrote it my mom said it was a good poem (i wouldn't know since I write it to see their reaction... experiments!). Then I asks for a mini danish but my mom said no since I tricked them. -.- I got one anyway.
So this is the poem I wrote to see what my parents thought of it. I like the Rosie Grave part. ^^

Red Rose

I see a rose
So lovely its pose
And pretty in its wake;
Blossom red rose
So that those
Who admire make no mistake

The prettiest one
Full of fun
Take care of you I will
So no weeds will take
Upon your wake
So pleae rose, lay still

So fragile and Kind
Soon to be mine
O how I will I could save
The petals that fall
And plant them all
Upon your rosie grave

I see a rose
So lovely its pose
And pretty in its wake;
A new one appears
My lovely new dear
Last long and make no mistake
. . .

R A W R~ In most of my poems (or all) the beginning and middle are weak and the end comes out strong (sorta), but in this one, it came out pretty good through out.

PS- My parents thought it was about A guy who tried keeping his relationship alive but in the end it just went up in smokes (like a rose. Soon after it fully blooms, it starts to die- I hadn't thought of that until my mom said it). He eventually finds a new love. I thought that was pretty cool considering how I was just writing it and didn't know what the poem meant. ^^

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