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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Saturday, April 21, 2007

   Some pics from photobucket.com of. . .
Demashita! Power Puff Girls Z!

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Peek-a-boo... part of credits
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I think their transforming... Yeah... (not moving just pics...)
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Not from the actual anime but its cute... The Rowdy Ruff Boys (they look similar to the ones in the anime...)
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Okay... I'm done for now...

R A W R~ I just had some Sake cuz my mom is making some Ramen... Bleh! I had to get some apple juice (yum yum XD!) to wash it down... XD! It was funny. But I know its because I'm not at the stage where I should be frinking liquor. She only gave me a tiny tiny bit, but it was still nasty to drink. :P Well, now I am offically obsessed with PPGZ. I think its just a fascination with the fact that Power Puff Girls Z is based off of Power Puff Girls (Amer.). I dunno... I'm just looking for lots of pics as Ref. so I can draw 'em. I wanna see the dubbed version SO bad now. XD! Bye-bye!

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