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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Sunday, April 29, 2007

   XD! Me new BG!
I haven't seen DN, but it seems interesting. I really wanna see the anime though rather than the manga... I like seeing things in motion. It hurts sometimes to just be standing or sitting reading a manga in the bookstore. -.-'

Anywho. I'm getting a DS game finally! XD! The first DS game for my DS! XD! It's not Poekmon tho, but I think i would like to have either Pearl or Daimond (to be continued). It's Full Metal Alchemist. I don't think I'll like it too much, but its a DS game so I'll have to settle with that until I find more DS worthy games. There isn't alot of interesting DS games out there, but I found some. Burn Out 3: Takedown is a game I have for PS2, but I also saw it for DS (and my mom said there wasnt one for the DS, but I proved her wrong... >>). I would have told my parents to get it, but I have one for the PS2 already. ... Anyways:

The "To Be Continued" part I typed up be4. I'm pretty obsessed with most of the Pokemon games out there. I always wondered why, but I found out yesterday while discussing the history of Nintendo to myself (yes... myself... XD!). There's THE Nintendo (which I have), Nintendo 64(... right?), Gameboy (I had it but lost it), Gameboy COLOR, Gameboy Advance (lost it but bought another one from Pawn Shop), Gameboy Andvance SP (got this from the same Pawn Shop, too ^^), Game Cube (Got it for x-mas...), Nintendo DS, and Nintendo Wii. Those are all the Nintendo game systems I could think of. I don't know if there are any more, but I'm not concerned about that.
I'm hooked to the Pokemon games because Pokemon: Yellow version was the first game I got for Gameboy. I lost it though and that made me sad. -.- But then I made a friend at skool who had the Yellow Version (special edition I think) and we made a trade. Her Pokemon: Yellow for my Spryo game (luckly for me, she likes Spyro ^^). Another reason is because my cousin had Pokemon: Crystal and that game got me officially hooked. He wanted me to help him get farther into the game. But the game started to mess up. but Oh well.

I got Pokemon: Leaf Green, but lost after hitting sumone with my wallet... (it was in one of the pockets). Good thing I traded in all the important pokemon I knew I couldn't get in Pokemon: Emerald, like Charizard and Mew 2.

Well, I'm pretty much done... I got bored and BAM! ... I miss Chik-fil-A... and Checkers/Rally's... and Cici's Pizza... and Hot Wok... why doesn't this state have it! DX!

R A W R~ I got some new songs on my MP3/thumbdrive. Ikki tousen's "Drivin' through the night"(Move) and Gaundem Seed's "Zips" (T.M.Revolution). Gendou.com. . .

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