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Monday, April 30, 2007

   My High School presintation... and new fear >>
I dont wanna go to HS! DX! It's too frustrating already, even though I'm not in High School yet! DX!
My core (the two teachers that teach 2 subjects each) got split up. The selected went to my other classroom for a high school presintation and the ones that stayed in the class (like me) had a different high school present.
I think one HS was for off base and another for on base.

Anywho, they kids from their high school talked about what's what in their school and what is going to be available for freshmen... i gues... <<.
Some things I know I'll like about high school:
1. YAY! They have a Japanese language course!!!!! I'm gonna take it! I'll change the Spanish course I chose later. XD!
2. Digitools- Something that is "required" be4 Sophmore year. Which sucks, but its a computer-based thingy. I'll probably enjoy it...
3. Getting out of school at 2:10 PM
Some things I know I won't like about high school:
1. Getting up at around 6 in the morning to catch the bus
2. Expected to be on time (there's bound to be some miss-haps along the way...)
3. Earning "credits" in order to graduate a grade or w/e...
4. If I get in a fight (which I know I won't) I'll be suspended for 90 days... -.-
But I'll and make the best of it...

When I chose to take Spanish as an elective I thought alot about the Japanese course too. But I thought that since Spanish would be better since its more spoken in America next to English (which is probably not true, but alot of Spoanish is out there than any other language other than English) I chose the Spanish course. When I got home and told my mom about the Japanese course, she got excited, but I said that I picked Spanish instead. She said I should of chose Japanese and that made me rethink my language course (which isn't required btw).
"I'll just take it next year," I said.
"Next year you'll be in 9th grade!" said my mom.
"O yeah. Well I'll take it the year after!"
"By that time we won't be here! Daddy's probably gonna be stationed somewhere else by then. We could be stationed in Japan and you would already have some Japanese experience."
"O yeah. Didn't think about that. I'll change it later then..."

Yes. My conversation with my mom. It went down like dat... sorta. So I'm going to take that Japoanese course and be a beginner Japanese speaker, reader, and writer! XD! And I'ma tell my dad to station us in JAPAN!!!! XD!
I only really chose Spanish because I knew more spanish that japanese. ^^

R A W R~ This feels like a very LONG post. Sorry if it is. ^^ Does anyone know the ending theme to the last episodes of Eureka 7? My mom liked the last episode btw. I wanted Eureka and Renton to return to their OTHER home. The one where Holland and the other Gekko members, etc. where, but what kind of story would that be? ^^ My doggy smells good. He got bath yesterday. Just got finished listening to 'Days' by FLOW (GO!!!) and now I'm listening to 'Fly Away' by Izawa Asami. ^^ I've gotta make these thing shorter... T_T

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