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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Thursday, June 7, 2007

   Countin' down the days...
It isn't long before I get out of this hell hole I call Jr. High (my skool sucks, but J.D. Jr. High rocks). For sum, you've already gotten out... T_T... but just 2 more weeks. XD! I have a Spring Formal the day be4 skool lets out and even thought I've already bought the dress, shoes, and accesories, I'm reconsidering since the tickets are 10 bucks. There's a dance today but I couldn't go cuz we didn't have the money. -.- Glad I didn't cuz I'd be all alone... My friends didnt go either. ^^ One of 'em couldn't cuz she got a citation. She shouldn't have though.

We went on this feild trip to a college Monday, and around lunch (I've never seen so many asians in my life... except on Soaps, but those don't count... Not that asians are bad... they rock... yeah...) some black dude (he's African American and also wearing black) comes up to my friend and gives her his MySpace thingy. Now thats bad if a college student is goin' after sum 1 whose only 14, but he probably didn't know... Anywho, she and some of her friends went to the little Student Store the college had (off limits to us I guess) and asked the guy why he gave it to her. One of the techers from our skool came and said that she was showing how "bad" our skool was or making our skool look bad... idk. But that was just retarded that my friend got a citation for something that wasn't her fault. I guess they thought he was some kind of preditor or that she was trying to get his number or sumthin. T_T My friends made a joke saying she was mad cuz she couldn't get hit on. XD! It was funnies! But o so bad...

I've been trying to learn how to play the piano and so far I think it's going okay... I know about the A-G thingies, the Clef's and Sharps and Flats. I was only able to remember those because Piano for Dummies had sum great ways to remember them. All I need now is a keyboard.


My dads gone to Texas again for I think 2 months. And glass is so fun to play with... unless u don't have cutters, pliers, protective glasses (which I seldemly use) and ... Oh! Now I know what I wanted to say! XD!
I wanna go to New York and visit sum ppl and eat NY pizza!!!!! NY PIZZA!!!!! And I have some pics I wanna put up but I can't cuz I can't find the cord to upload the pics to my computer. Makes me wish I could just draw on a pad thingy and it'll show up on the comp. No hassles with finding a cord. ... Yeah...

R A W R~ In Glass Art, I've finished my mirror, my stepping stone and now I'm working on my Tables image. It looks all ocean-y and beach-y ^^ But I don't have a lot of time to finish it. Glad it's the last project for the quarter. XD! I think I have about 60 or more peices to cut and maybe 40+(-) that I need to finish. ^0^

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