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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Saturday, June 9, 2007

   The first and only Japanese movie I've ever seen...
Kamikaze Girls.... It's the second time I'm watching it on AZN. Its hella funny XD! I'd say what it's about but I guess from memory of the summary on Comcast I'd say it about a girl names Momoko who mets a girl in a gang names Ichiko (her real name is Ichigo but she thinks its wimpy). The 2 share their adventures together with finding Happiness and such. It's the first and only Japanese Movie I've seen thats live-action. Another one I've seen that was in Japanese but had also the english caps on AZN was something about Godfathers... It had to do with these 3 homeless people. They have in English too I think. ... I'm missing it! DX! Just wanted to say I liked Kamikaze Girls. But it was rated 2.5 stars. I'd give it 3.5 or 4 stars. ^^

R A W R~ Midnight!. . .

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