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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Thursday, June 21, 2007

My eighth grade graduation
My 8th grade graduation was okay I guess. I got some awards... there was this one kid that I had almost completely forgot about that came to the assembley. When I saw him I was teary eyed because he was in a wheelchair and didnt act the same as he did last school year. I saw his mom too and she was crying because of the words one of the teachers said. Things like "He was brave..." and things like that.
He used to one of those kids without any big problems going on (like being in wheelchair or having neurlogical problems, etc.). Like me... or u... One day he was playing with some of his friends on a half day. I think the story was that the field was either slippery or icy. He slipped and hit his head really hard. His friends asked if he was okay and he said yes. But as he was walking home he collasped. He was in a coma for a while and had some brain damage I think (piecing things together >.>). rehabilitation for him has made him able to talk again and walk certain distances.
When all the Moving-On awards where being passed out, he was the last to be called. When that teacher called his name out, the gymnasim was a-roarin'. It was just real sad though. From being a normal healthy kid to having to learn certain things over again.
It made me teary-eyed cuz he was in my class last school year and even though I didnt really know him, still. If it happened to anyone else I'd feel the same way.

R A W R~ I finally got a Gaia thingy! People kept saying I should go there and so far it seems purdy nice... . . .

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