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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Friday, February 8, 2008

   Luna Azul Mag.
Me and my friend are making this magazine. I don't know if its going to be printed or on a website, but while I'm still here, we have to hurry and finish some things. Hopefully it's something I'll stick to. I kind of have to since my friend is buying the Domain name. And it's kinda fun because I get to design practically EVERYHING. XD!
Well, anywho, here's some things we are including in our On-line Mag.:
  • Poems (self explanitory)
  • Asian Nation (anime, manga news, Korean stuffies, etc.)
  • News
  • Issues of Today (what's on our minds, like how we feel about certain deragatory words or the war in Iraq)
  • Dream Interpritation
  • Advice Column
  • And some other sutff...

I'm in charge of somethings, but the one thing I think I'll trouble on is the Asian Nationsection. I, of course, don't have any insight on the latest news in asia about anime, etc. unless I went to another site and got it from them. Kinda don't wanna do that. If anyone wants to, they can be a part of the mag. and help us wih some things.

The part I'm probably most psyched about is the drawing part and rating games... ja... =D

R A W R~ Starbucks. . .

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