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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Monday, February 11, 2008

   The production of our zine... ish going SLOOOOOOOW
O-M-G man O-M-G. My friend was talking to her mom about me (mega blush). They were saying how good I was (which is a fat lie) at drawing and how this online mag would be a good way to show other people my stuffies... Now that my frined has told me that, I'm more hesitant on doing it. No se. It's just really embarrassing... ja...
But meh shall continue even though it is...

Then there's the issue of getting a web site with our own Domain Name. This Thursday I am hoping to have the doamin name and a little of our site done. I need to get a probram to make watermarks or just edit it in some way...

The design that I talked about a couple posts ago is near its close! XD! I am almost done with it. *Yay* I'm using Adobe CS2 (or something like that) and what's great is that I'm kind of using it for free. XD! I wonder if I still have to pay the $10 lab fee since I'm leaving soon. no se.... I wanteds to shade it but I don't know if I can... anywho, I'll post it up (or at least what I have so far). ... ... ... ...

R A W R~ Rawr!! We only have five people in our zine. Have a nice day y'all. . .

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