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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Thursday, February 21, 2008

   It was awesome!!!
Did u guys see the solar eclipse last night?! O-M-G.... twas so awesome. There was another eclipse thingy in '05 I think but meh missed. I thought the eclipse was so awesome.... I was at meh friends house jumping up and down in his front yard.... XD! I was mad that I forgot to take a pic... meh friend told me there's gonna be another one in 2010 or 2011... idk...

Our site is up!!! YAY! But I forgot the URL... It's on a free site thingy so It's gonna be a long name, like pooponastick.thisisawebsiteyoucanuseforfree.com...

R A W R~ I wanna see a lunar eclipse. . .

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