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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Saturday, March 1, 2008

I have arrived and meh saw SAW 4... sih very gross and scary... The scariest I've eva seen... ja... One Last Call was scary too, but only cuz of that zombie chick, the girl getting pulled into the pond, the baby doll, and the girl who cut her sister (when I saw that I was like "wtf?!" who does that???). The Hills Have Eyes was SOOO bad! Not scary at all... just nasty... *shivers* When I thought some parts would be scary, they weren't... *much disappointment* But Saw 4... that was scarwee. rawr...

I want some paper so I can doodle... and some Mech Pencils... and a better eraser.... and some NY Pizza....

I wanna check out that Korean shop in Manhattan... yeah... maybe I'll do that in the near future...

R A W R~ Ooh... 3 hour diff. plump, dump, goo. . .


The weather was really bad yesterday... We saw a car slipp 'n' slide across the street in front of us... It made butterflies in meh stomach... A lot of ppl ended up in ditches and others were speedy. We were SLOW... caution. We were meh mom's precious cargo... after about 5 days on deh road, I'm tired of eating... Meh just want juice... yummy apple juice... *grumble tummy*

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