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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Monday, March 3, 2008

   My fantasy Guitar Hero
I remember seeing something that someone wroting sawing how it'd be awesome if they made a Guitar Hero Internatial game. I'm listening to "Blaze Away" by TRAX right now and can totally see myself playing this song on EASY... Speaking of which, let me tell you of my slight depression:
Le kun was ovah at the house we're staying at and was playing my Guitar Hero game (I lurv that game to death! XD!) Just watching other people play it gets me all figgety... Anywho, he was playing on hard and I was watching all the little button thingies go by... it hurt meh heart so.. There's no way I'd evah be able to get past Hard (or even on it), and definetly not Expert. rawr... Mehs sad that my fingers will never move that fast, and here I thought I'd be able to play my future guitar. Maybe if I play it, it'll be a bit easier... no sé.

I feel so uneducated now... I'm getting dumber with each passing school day... -.-' I've already missed two weeks of school... I'm bored because there's no one to talk to at 5 (-3 it's still school there... it'd be 2... 3 hour diff.)

Yummy Lemon starburst... yum... XD!

R A W R~ "Cresent Moon" Ayaka. . .

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