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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I lurv that song. XD! And so does meh mom. Oh ja..
Meh a Le kun played Burn Out: Revenge. I LOVE that game with a passion. VROOOM! We were playing 2-playah and meh beated him. He's all hella good at GH 3, but I'm bomb at Burn Out... or a short while. XD!
(7-4)... XD! I luv that game so MUCH...

GH 3 ish killen meh. Meh battled against Slash on Medium (there where two Slash's on da screen!!) and meh was killed... bleh... but OF COURSE Le kun did hella good beating him (after about 3 tries...) =D

RAWR!! My DS keeps truning on by itself... it's ticken meh off. I'll get a new one, and it'll ba all sy blueish-like.

i want a cookie now... and some teriyaki chicken w/rice... yumm

R A W R~ Drowning Pool. . .

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