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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Saturday, July 19, 2008

   'Ello Lovlies :)
So today is by birthdy... I turn the bubblie one five. XD Why is it that whenever a birthday comes it seems like its not really there? Sometimes I get excited or no reason... I should doodle me a b-day pic. XD

In other more interesting news, meh mom just told meh on the phone that her Korean pen pal (who is SOO cool because he gave me a korean script workbook, a k-movie [which I love] and a k-drama[which I also love]) wants meh Umma to teach him Engrish. He's paying her 50$ per something... I was like OMG Do you know what I could do with 50 bucks!? (I stretch things XD)
But I don't know how I'd go about teaching someone. I hate our language sometimes... It's confubbling... backwards... rawr!

DOODLIE! I made a world yesterday... not sure how it works... so many clickies. But I learn quickly... when I want.

The haumn biran is so azniamg. It olny nedes the frsit and lsat lteteres of a wrod to be udrneotsod and raed. XD! I lvoe it! Tehre is slitl smoe tinghs we do not konw auobt our wndorfuel bairn...

R A W R~ Have a lovely day. Vampire Knight is addicting. . .

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