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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Monday, August 11, 2008

   Oh Noes! Oh Yays!
I'm really enjoying drawing with the light blue colored pencil and inking it with meh pen (ball-point, cuz meh art pen ish practically dead). But my joy jas ended when it came to that time where I could hardly keep the pencil steady. Oh the pain! The agony! My favorite color shrinking and eventually (though I haven't done it yet) going to Bria H's Locker (the trashcan, the coloring box which I hardly open or use, lost in no-man's-land)!

It pained me so to have to look at the bright yellow... TT.TT It hurted meh eyes in poor lighting, but I will have to use it until I find another blue pencil (or somehow find a mechanical one). As it shrunk I created three or four creations. The style I thought was so cute was Kimberley Shaefer's (I think that's how it's spelled). XDDD

In other news, meh mom told meh my grades and I did better than I thought. A couple of A's and B's, one C (PE! 'cause meh mom was like,WTF? And I was like, IDK) and a D either one the Regents or in school, I don't remember. >> But I'm fine with it. All that came to an A average (O.o Unless meh mom was looking at the wrong thing).

R A W R~ rawr,loves. . .

So, ja, here are teh three piccies.

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