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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Friday, January 1, 2010

So it's a new year now, ehhhhhhh?
It's got me excited because I'm THIS close to graduating, THIS close to moving out, THIS close to getting a job to support MYSELF, THIS close to... um... be an adult I guess. I don't know, but reality is hitting me pretty damn hard. >:\

OH MAI GAWD... I'll be freaking OUT when '10 becomes '11... Oh it's a done dearr man, a done dearr (heheh Chinese Guy from pyrobooby is funny).

So Happy New Years!
My New Years is pretty bland... No sparkling Welch's like we normal get (just like this X-mas we had no tree. I should have drawn one). But I'm celebrating by learning Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy on guitar (pretty challenging for my n00bish skills but fun).

What are your New Year resolutions?
Mine are:
*Become a wicked guitarist (nothing like Syn though.. mad work)
*Learn conversational German, French, Korean OOORRRR Japanese by the end of the year
*DO NOT procrastinate as much (so far this is working, though not so much since it's break. But break ends Friday and school starts on Monday. BAW).
*Get a little thing called a J-O-B

tHe EnD (dOn'T yOu JuSt LoVe It WhEn PeOpLe TyPe LiKe ThIs?? I kNoW i Do)

R A W R~ MKAY Hope everyone's new year goes swellllllllll. May 2010 be full of awesome-ness!. . .

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