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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Friday, January 8, 2010

   I saw the funniest thing on the bus today

My two friends and I were going to Barnes & Nobles today so that one of them could get a book. To get to such a wonderful place required public transportation. So, we're all just chillin' in our seats listening to music, & being that I had nothing else to do I just started looking around the front of the bus (there are 6 seats that face each other in teh front--3 on one side and three on the other. All other seats are faced the same way as the bus driver is facing up until the end where the seats face each other again). I notice two women who were in their early 20s sitting perpendicular to me. One was leaning on the other so I assumed maybe that person was upset and the other was consoling her as her friend, but upon further observation I found that the two women were lovers (one had her arm around the other woman, which looked like consoling until I saw her brushing her hair with her fingers). From where I was sitting I thought that at one point they were kissing (I'm not sure). What made this hilarious was the reaction of an old white lady sitting across from them--she started shaking her head slightly in disapproval...

When I told my friends about this (they were completely absorbed in their music so they weren't paying attention to anything), all they could say was, "Wow" (because that's all I found to be funny).
What was funny was the white lady's reaction to the couple.
One of my friends asked me if I also disapproved and I told him no, because ... well it'd be something I'm sure you haven't heard (read) already.

But yeah, that made my day. :)

Also am happy because I got my Japanese book in today. Apparently I'll be a little polyglot because I'm currently learning French, German, Korean and Japanese.

Speaking of languages, I'm also elated about an international trip I was invited to. If I'm able to go we'll be visiting Switzerland, Germany (We'll be visiting a place in germany that I've been before when I lived in Germany, so I can't wait to that), France (not learning French because of this trip BTW), and Italy. It takes place next year, which is my Senior year, and it also takes place over a break (It's a 12 day trip), some time in February.

The cost isn't that bad either-- just 2700 bucks. Hopefully my parents can afford the 200 dollar 11 month payment plan for me to go... really wanna visit Germany again since I don't remember being there. T^T

OK, I'm done. :D

Happy Weekend~~

R A W R~ Au revoir. . .

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