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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I have no clue what to do... I ahve an idea and it just goes bye bye! There's an idea I have--2 actually-- called Narrator, or Motivate Me. PAL (Psychics At Large) doesn't seem like a good book to me... so I am thinkin' real hard on this one...
*cough cough* I got a cold.... just a tiny one... Hace frio... it's cold here... anywho, I drew some more pics. I'll post 'em up If I can...
Let's see, there's FMA, SuperGALS!, uh.... Naruto, um, Lain (serial experiments Lain), and some originals...
I am so mad at myself for getting tired last night! I wanted to see Trinity Blood, but my stupid phone didn't wake me up to see... I did manage to catch Bleach and the rest... Grrr... I hate Robot Chiken. I like Orange Range, but I didn't bother to see what their song waz called on the Opening animation of BLEACH. Oh well... I think i'm about done here... TTYL!

Close the world Open the next (Serial Exper. Lain)

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