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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

   Hey! Guess wat I did today! Uhmmmm.... well.... ok >.
Yay me! I found out that my library (public not skool) is having a anime club! It started today too, and I saw two episodes of Spiral. It waz pretty interesting. If you guys have ever watched the anime or read the manga(if they have one) then tell me what u thought about it. On October 13th, they are having a Manga Contest. 3 subjects:
1. Original anime
2. Fan Art
3. and Dishounji (if I spelled it wrong plz correct me >.<)

Okay, I have to admit that the Anime Club was fun, but not Animatious... It would be rated a 3 on the Animatious scale...(this site is a 4 at least if not less >.<)
Is it okay if I change my mind once more about my manga? Maybe I should make 2 mangas instead right? Well you know already about Motivate Me, but this other one I have in my head is more about Holidays then motivating people. I don't know... My mind is so simple I can get confused so easily... ok... thats mean to say about myself but it's true!


You are an animal! I am an animal! Humans are animals! Deal with it!!! I heard sumone say that they weren't an animal, but in reality, u r.
Here's wat I mean. If you break every animal into specific species, you get your Plants, Big cats, Cats, wolfs, DOGS(^-^), Apes, etc.
We, meaning humans, gorillas, etc. are in the Ape catigory. Or cousins (not the ones that are humans) would be gorillas, orangatangs, etc. we humans share 98-99.9% of our DNA w/other apes. But I just think I think too much. I could be wrong for 1. >.<
What do they call those Photoshop programs where you can color your drawings w/all the special effects and stuff? I want that for x-mas and my grandparents want me to pick ONE big thing for christmas, so thats basically wat I want.
Thats about it, so PLA!!! >.< < my famous constipated face(^-^)No i am not constipated... but in the Korean Drama thats on AZN, Euh-Nee or Eun-Hee (which eva 1) got constipated twice... Eeew, I know, but that joka was funny!


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