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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Monday, October 9, 2006

   Beenie-Weenies!!! >< die immortal mortals!!! I like the red face ^-^ DIE!!!
Hey! Hey! I saw the 1st ep. of Marmalade Boy... I didn't enjoy it much... I say Boys Be too, but didn't wanna see it either. But GTO... So funny! and SuperGALS! was also funny! I need to see Demon Lord Dante as well as the other... *wow, weird feeling* I just remebered ep. 18 (i think) of Kare Kano...or Kono... or wat ever! >.<
It was a weird ep... i think u can read vol. 2(estimate) chapter 18(most likely).
Oh... beenie-weenies? Why'd I name this post that? Because I can, and I want some, and Ima geta suma too-a.
Have u ever had a blonde moment (not sayin that blonde's are stupid >.<) I have a lot of those and it's freaky-leaky! Ok...
...What was I talkin' about? AH!! My korean soap!!! It's called Funny Wild Girl... it is funny... hahaha... ha...
OK... Naruto!!! I drew Kakashi as a chick ya know... I laughed while I was drawing it... ha ha ha... I can't stop haha laugh- ha ha -ing... *holds face and pinches self to stop laughing* Ok, im good..
Um... eww! she farted!!! EEEWWW!!! that must be funky!!! My oms cracking up! Oh, yea, u guys don't wanna read that...
So.. um... i m totally bored and any new guestbook signings that are on here I will check and go to... um... wait... I confused myself... ok... i'm about done here... me gettin tired of makin dots.
~*~*~*~*~*~*yay me!~*~*~*~*~*~*

Killin' 'em softly...

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