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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Thursday, October 12, 2006

   Hi peoples! Can you say... Naruto?!

I don't have much to say but stuff about Naruto and Eureak 7 and a poem or 2.

Eureka 7

In Eureka 7, Renton has left the care of Charles and Ray Beams. Eureka wants to go and find him, but the Nirvash won't work (is it because Renton took the amitta drive? O.O) In the next episode, I hope Renton finds his way...

Alot of people like to comment on more animatious shows, like Naruto ^-^. So, Naruto I will talk about. I can't wait to see the next episode of Naruto where Sakura and Ino are now going to visit Sasuke. >.< How will it turn out? I'll jst go and read the manga, but then again, I can't, because certain bookstores don't have Vol. 11. Grrr... Oh, about the opposite sex Naruto characters, I'll post 'em up soon...
Killin' 'em softly...

Anger is like a bull... tempt it enough and you might get hurt...
Okay people! PLA!

Killin' 'em softly...

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