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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Saturday, October 14, 2006

   Making Bunnies! (no not breeding them T_T) A devil's will... ^-^
I can make a cuty bunny!
( )_( ) I don't know how to make the others/

I made up an imaginary land! I colored it yesterday and It came out pretty nice. I'll post it up later.
I've been going to other ppl's sites now (finally) and there are some really funny avi's. An avi? What's an avi
An avi is an avatar.
Oh... I new that
*Or did u?*
( )_( )
(")_(") another bunny!

I need one of those coloring shop thingies. Do any of you know a good paint shop thing. So far I've seen Adobe Paint Shop and Draw Plus 7, and I've only seen Adobe Paint Shop on other peoples sites. If you know any good ones, please tell me, because I want it for christmas and my GParents said to get 1 big thing, so I'm choosin that.
Lately I've been saying 'Killin' 'em softly' but now I have a new slogan! or motto... or w/e...

( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies are Cute...
^ This won't last...

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