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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Monday, October 16, 2006

   O.O Becuz I'm lazy, all the Kim-Hee's are actually Kum-Hee's...
Korean Soap Opra: Funny Wild Girl

Eun-Hee has just found out that she is not the real daughter of her mothers and her sister, Kim-hee, is. Mom stole Eun-hee's life and made a better one for Kim-hee, so that Kim-hee can study all she wanted. Eun-Hee's real family is a rich family, so you can see where this is going, right?
Kim-hee's real family was on a farm, but about 10 years later+, they moved to Seol.
In the beginning, Eun-hee's mother died while giving birth to her, and at the same time Kim-Hee's real mother gave birth. So far, the story is really inteesting, because Kim-Hee is now a punta and Eun-Hee is tough but very nice... The Tae-Song Coorporation (BUNNIES
( )_( )
(='.'=)0 Bunnies wave... So wave back...
~( )_( )~~~( )_( )~~~( )_( )~~~( )_( )
Bunnies are cute! Bunnies dance! Bunnies rule the world with their Bunnie Dance!
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies are cute, so don't hurt me...

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