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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Thursday, October 19, 2006

   Asterisk BLEACH op. theme
Sorry people who like Bleach. I don't know how to download stuff onto here legally or at all >.< Right now I'm listening to this song that's by ORABGE RANGE. I love their songs, so it's no wonder i like the op. to Bleach ^-^. OK.... I'm gonna tell you the website k?
It's got these songs! >.< XD yay! Ooo! I love ORANGE RANGE but I am so hating this "buffering" thing! >.< like every few seconds, the song stops and it's so annoying! The song is like 4:15 and I'm like, half way there! >< so frustrating!
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies feel for Animatious. Poor Animatious.

I feel giddy inside... it always happens when i'm longing for something and finally get it... like butterflies in your stomache... *Ooo...

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