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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Sunday, October 22, 2006

   The Ghost Detective... >.
Chapter One: My first case!

It was raining really hard yesterday, and it still was today. I didn’t know what to do if I couldn’t go to Takane’s house. It was so frustrating, that I had to write a poem saying what rain does to me and my free time.

Why does it rain?
All night and day;
Even when the sun’s up shining its rays.
When will it stop?
Today or tomorrow?
It’s like someone’s crying
With so much sorrow.
Don’t cry don’t cry.
Oh please don’t cry.
If you continue,
My free time will die.
Please rain, Just this once,
Stop raining for me…?
If you do, I’ll help you,
So please?
Please rain, don’t cry.
It’ll be okay.
But if I help you,
Make the rain go away…

I was so bored I came up with this poem. I looked at it for about 10 seconds and then smiled because I sucked at making poems. Most people don’t agree, but I don’t care what people think.
Ring! Ring!
That was our house phone, and it seems like my mom has another case to go to. Both Mom and Dad are heard out the door, and I’m left alone at home. What was I going to do for the rest of the day? I was totally bored and had nothing to entertain me with except for the TV but nothing interesting is on ,on Sundays. It was still pouring outside and I was fed up with it. I was just about to get up and yell at the sky to stop the rain when I tripped and fell on some clothes on the floor. I stayed on the floor trying hard to remember something. After about a minute and a half, I realized that the clothes on floor weren’t there before.
“How did they get out of my drawer?” I said puzzled.
Then all of a sudden, a knock on my window. I went towards the window and looked out of it. Nothing. I didn’t see anything. Maybe the neighborhood kids were pulling a little trick. Either way, they knew if they did I’d make their lives a living hell. As I was thinking about the kids, I heard a knock on my door. I got up and ran towards it, but in the process, I feel down the stairs and landed on my butt. Yeah, nice way to impress somebody if you wanted to make a good one. I got up and walked towards the door, opened it and saw that, again, nobody was there.
“Something definitely is going up. Someone is playing tricks on me and if I find them, so help me-” as I was threatening the air, I wound up tripping a banana. Wait. A banana?! Okay, I knew I was a klutz but falling 3 times in just a few minutes all together seemed really weird to me. I scratched my head in confusion. What was going on? First the window, the stairs, and then the banana. W, S, B. The first initials of those words, and they seemed so familiar to me. I knew a Wilson B., Wesley B., and some other W’s. Hmm… So far I tripped on my clothes, my toes or just the stairs and a banana. C, T, S, B. Yeah, there wasn’t a connection. When stuff like that happens, the first thing you do is see if they mean anything. None of them seemed like something I could figure out. The only guess I had was that all of this was a haunting. My house isn’t haunted at all, but when stuff like this happens to us, we think it’s someone contacting me.
Most ghosts that I have helped have sent spiritual messages across the planet saying how they passed on, or that I was the only way to help them pass on. At first it was flattering, but now it’s annoying, because all the spirits want to come to me in search of a way to move on. I get these cases every now and then, but still… Oh yeah, my first case, sorry.
Anyways, I hadn’t helped any ghosts ever, but I do talk to them when I’m bored. The only problem with that is that sometimes they won’t shut up.

I'm not done so... >.<
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies are cutie pies... Yup... I like pies.

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