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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

   Uhm... ^-^
~I went out yesterday with like... 1...2... uhm... 7-8 of my friends... I think they (2 or of my friends) picked me up at 4 and i didn't get home 'til like 6.. but even though it was only 2 hours, it was cold and we went on my friends' trampalin... uhm... what else? Anyways, I went out with my friends and it was both tiring and fun.
Shane (uhm... yea, you know it would be one of my frineds) got left behind at the skool when me and katie and marvin were all in the woods. We ran and tried to hide from Shane, and there was a big bush, so we hid behind that, but he saw us behind it, so... Katie was all tired and stuff, and then shane was eating chocolate crackers bears in front of us, and throwing them at katie and stuff...
Then we like, went and got some other peoples and stuff... It was fun, funny, and dramatic. (Shane got kick it the balls by Katie on accident, and went over by a ditch and stuff and Katie went to go say sorry but he called be a b*tch and Katie was all pissed at him,and was like, don't even think about talking to me tomorrow then) Then today when we went out, he was giving her all these candy stuff and I said he was suckin' up to her. But on the bus he was explaining why he called he a b*tch.
~Hmm... yea, that happened today w/him suckin' up and explaining stuff and since today was a half day, we left my place at 1 and i came beack home at 4, so my feet hella hurt. We went on Katie's tramploline and jumped cuz it was cold, but only me, shane, and Audrey were on it. Katie didn't want to... >.< I think we're all gonna go back outside but i don't know. Tomorrow and Thursday is a 1/2 day too so today might repeat itself... mmm, pringles...
~OKIE DOKIE! I'm boreds nows...
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies are sleepy...

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