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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

   What I want, You might have it. What I need, you know I ain't got it. Do Wop, bop bop do wop... Are u being watched?
~These I wish I had and know I won't get until X-mas or my 14th B-DAY... >.< so sad... *'s mean What i might/will be getting... so sad...
Adobe paint shop (they don't have it anywheres' so i might just get adobe photoshop w/paintshop in it)*
mp3 player/Ipod mini (doesn't matter since they're both the same)
art materials... like pastels and markers so i can learn how to color with 'em with a book i checked out but put back in the library)
uhmm... candy*
my own comp!
a DS*
I wanted Burn Out3 for Nintendo DS, but i put Pokemon Sapphire instead becuz I wanted to trade pokemon w/my emerald... dammit!
Non-boredness. Me boredy bored bored.

Have you heard XZIBITS new song called Concentrate? It's got this old chinese man on there saying "yam mu ling cing cu" or sumthing like that. I can sorta tell thier chinese w/the ying yang gong and even tho jap. and chin. (oh yea. Chin was a real person who took over the parts of China... and named it after himself i think... all i know is that the dudes name was Chin) have similar characters, i sorta get the conclusion that its chin. becuz of the chicks clothing (i don't think chin. ppl wear kimonos... if they do, sry) and the gong and the language the elder asian man was saying...

That's about it. God! This game is so frustrating! I keep playing it becuz i started it. KH and other games are just weird like that. Sora looks ok, but u kinda lose the effect with those gigantic shoes! I was always wondering where Le kun's avi came from. When i was playing KH i saw it and was like "Oh!" ( I know I'm slow and i except that, just don't point it out, k? I haven't played KH be4 or not very much.)
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies tease Animatious. "Ha ha! Animatious ur slow!"
"Die you horrid bunnie!"
( )_( )
(")_(") Abuse! Abuse! *A bunnie can never die and that's why it will rule the world*

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