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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Thursday, October 26, 2006

   Hey my friends... I was out today... NO! There's no more 1/2 days...
~NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's no more half days! DX or not until 2 weeks from now, or sumthin' like that. Grr.... I liked the half days...
~Me, Katie, Audrey, and Christie hung out today ^^. (yay! i wasn't bored!) We went to Shane's house to pick him up, but his mom said he couldn't come yet, so we went to Katie's house. Katie has 2 cute little dogs!^-^ One I think is either 1 or 2 y-old and the other was born on Feb. My dog Shadow is 2, and Audrey's dog is 1. Both our dogs are blck labs and have a b-day in october, but my dog is (maybe) mixed with great dane.
~We were at this park and Katie was acting like she was on crack... it waz funny. She called here BF on my cell and said "I'm high" and then hung up. It was funny... heh heh heh.. Then Derrick (her BF) called my cell back.
"Hello" Bri Bri says...
"Hello? Whise this?" Derrick answers...
bri bri: This is Katie's friend, Bri bri... Here Katie! heh heh...
Katie: Hello? Oh hey... heheh...
Then Katie gets that face when she laughs but then gets a straight face that sorta freaks me out... so she hangs up my cell and gives it back. I ask what he said to her and she was like:
Katie: He said why did i call him and say 'im high' and in a figgin' parent/teacher confrense. I'm like, okay, don't get all mad at me though...
It was funny... But then as we were going across the street, we saw a little boy about 2 years old crying. He was all alone and Katie was asking who he was and did he know anybody and he was saying "Stephany..." and "Ya ya..." (ya ya is Jahira's nick name...) and so me and Audrey went to a house on the right but no one answered and we went to the house on the left and this kid named LA answered (his real name is Angelis) and Audrey was like, do u know this little kid? and he went to the little kid and Katie said LA do you know him, and LA said yeah, and took him in his house... Me, Katie, Audrey and Christie thought it was jacked up that a 2 year old kid was left out side bare foot in the cold. He was crying and ppl were just going past him... Christie said that some dude was driving and slowed down to the kid then drove away... I thought that was messed up...
~Any ways, that was my day... Now Im trying to make a synopsis for my manga... >.< it's so hard because i don't know what to make a manga about. so far it has to do with a girl losing her memories and trying to regain them... >.<

( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies just wanna have fun...

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