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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Sunday, October 29, 2006

   >.< What happens to Hyuuga Hinata? That's a BIG Frog...
~I am planning my manga out now and have no idea what it's called! >.< I guess I'll just have to make it and think about it later. Maybe I'll call it "Hikari" or sumthin' else... what about HAK? Hikari Angelic and Kiyoshi... eww.. no... uhmm... yea, into more pressing matters...

~Naruto Vol. 11. Yesterday I went to the book store to see what was going on with Hinata, since the condition states have only been about Lee and Sasuke... *relieving sigh* Hinata's ok... I wouldn't say she's my fav. character, just funny to watch... or is that with Sakura?... Hmm... Anyways, When Naruto and Neji finally fight, sum ppl start saying things about Naruto and Kiba's thinkin' yea, I thought too, but underestimate him and you'll be in for a suprise... or sumthin' like that... I didn't really read it, just flipped through it becuz I wanted to know what happened to Hinata since she had like 10 min. to live or sumthin'.
I did happen to see sum parts where Naruto summons the frog and the frogs like, no ones been able to summon him in a long time or sumthin like that...

( )_( )
(")_(") That's a BIG frog....

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