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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Monday, October 30, 2006

   Chibi's are cute, oh yes they are! ^-^ An AZN Anime...
~I drew a nice pic. yesterday and so I'll post it up.

An Anime on AZN

~I saw a show on AZN and it was all in Japanese! Of course there was english captions, but I just didn't feel like reading it and was wishing that the anime was dubbed in eng. I was sorta annoyed by the voices, but that's only because I think I'm just used to hearing my own language in an anime. But I haven't given up on the anime though! I can't wait to see the next ep. and from the looks of it, It seems as though the anime that I was watching was the 1st ep. or the 2nd ep. (or maybe the 3rd)... Uhm... the show is called... crap... I forgot. It had to do with a girl from another planet and who has brown hair and purple eyes and is sorta a loner. It's partly because she's and "alien" even tho she is. The guy who likes her is Kazu-Chan (that's all I could remember...) and he has Purple hair and Green eyes. He's sort of a coward but an ok guy... He and the Naku or Naru (I forget!) go on a date (in the next ep.) and sum1 tries to get her to confess that she's an alien. If you have an idea, PLZ tell me what this anime is called... >.< I might not watch it tomorrow becuz i don't like mushy stuff... it's not that mushy but still... >.<
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