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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

My teeth will rot, and when they do, I'll just get new ones... and the cycle goes on and on...
SO... how was ur Halloween? I didn't really trick or treat cuz I haden't planned on it. Audrey's mom gave us some bags, but Katie didn't use her's... It was hella cold last night too! >.< When I went back home my hands were red! Well, not red red, but hot pink red... u know! It hurt just washing my hands in warm water... I had the worst luck too! My friend Megan came on our bus and she was gonna halloween with us but then my friend audrey left when we were goin down this hill near a park... I was the only one who new this cuz me and audrey were behind every1. Audrey said she was going home and I told Katie. Katie was like, are u serious!? I'm like, yea... then katie gets pissed at Megan cuz katie thought that audrey left cuz marvin (audreys ex) and megan were flirting... I'm like, but y would she care? she said she didn't like marvin anymore... anywho, Megan said "so" and that really pissed katie off. "that's my friend ur taking about! when my friends feeling are hurt I wanna know y!" or sumthin' like that... Megan didn't know that audrey left and didn't know what katie was talkin about. so here we have a pissed off katie, a crying and "confused" megan, and me, not wanting to do much of anything.
Megan asks me to take her to katies place and then i do and try and find katie. I see marvin and his 2 other friends and he's asking me wat happened and i tell him, and then he tells me where katie and them are. I find them like 10 min. later, and katie even more pissed cuz she might get grounded.
crying megan+ katie+ megan coming here in the first place= Grounded... or sumthin like that.
(katie didn't get grounded and audrey doesn't like marvin and only left cuz he was there)
In the end, it was a most interesting halloween if u were there, and it was yummy too...
no bunnies. they went on vacation

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