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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Friday, November 3, 2006

   Now I have a new keyboard... the $1.50+ Japanese store...
~Yesterday I spent about 3 hours total drawing and inking and coloring this pic. I drew. It's my first Group pic. and i'm pretty satisfied with it. It features Hikari, Takane, Angelic, Saori, and Ino( a chick I drew a while back. she's got brown hair and yellow highlights). I posted up yesterday, so I hope it is a good pic to the rest of Otaku... ^^

~Today I went to the Mall, and There was a store my mom told me about. It was a Jap. store, and it had everything in there $1.50+. It was so cool! I got headphones, 2 set plastic erasers (they look funny, cuz they have funny faces) a Cute Pig rice bowl, and blue Happy Balloon chopsticks... It was so cool! When I get more money, I'm gonna go and buy a whole lot of stuff in there. the store actually had some Jap. people in there too (and like, 1 american hehe). I knew they were Jap. cuz of the way the talked... "Nani-san" "Koni-sumthin'" (not Konnichiwa)... I got mad cuz I wanted to know what the produces said and what the jpa. ppl were saying! >.< It made me wanna learn jap even more. They didn't have any 'special'paper, but I didn't expect them to. Though they did have some Jap. Calligraphy books and papers... The store was called Daiso Japan or just Daiso.

That's about it! PLA!
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies want more and more!...

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