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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

   O.O There was a fight today ^^ and I laughed when the
~I'm sorry, but I LIVE for drama at a school... I don't promote it or advise (did I speel it right?) that anyone fight when bad drama comes in, but what happened today was... << hard to describe...
What happened
~Like I said be4... I don't wanna see fights and yet they seem to have more reasons to come to skool. First it was the bus.
Yvette and friends were talking 'bout this chick and about fighting her. I got confused 'cuz I had no idea whose fight it was. Was it Yvette's or Jahira's? Well, Yvette (at lunch) wound up fighting this girl named Daisha. For the rest of the day everyone was talking about, if you were in the 8th grade lunch.
They were pushing Mr. Davis (the vice princ) away when he tried stopping them. They fell in the boys bathroom I think too. When Mr. Jacobs (sum concilor) told every1 to sit down, he was all like, "In all my teaching carrer, I have never seen a fight like that..." Yeah right! While he and Davis were talking, like 2 other ppl and me were laughing... I can't help it.
I laugh at the most inappropiate times, I know, but when ppl yell and get mad at you, I laugh. No 1's come up to me yet, but if they did, I bet u I'd lmao. Yvette said that she actually had permission to fight so... I think this dude named Valson was the whole reason for this. He's Jahira's BF (and ugly too) >.>...
anywho, thats about it... I want sum instant ramen...

Me so happy! I was finally able to hear FMA's Rewrite (full length) on my sitey! I found the problem... 'Downloading data'... I never gave it time to load up. when the song was over, by the time I got back from walkin' my dog, I was so excited to hear it, but sad cuz it ended and wouldn't come back... So I refrewshed it and WHAM-O! ^^ XD I am so excited that I just can't hide it or contain for that matter! I totally need to get a MP3 player...

( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies too tipsy to talk...

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