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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

   The comment trick worked! YAY!
Just put < h6 > and < u > and u have this
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XD Kool... I figured it out all on my own! ^^ Me so proud of myself since I know i have issues...
Then u need the end (/)thingy...
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Anywho! Clock on my comp. says 5:34PM and I am trying to cum up with a manga synopsis for a title called Love me Hate me or sumthin' like that... Maybe Rebel Soul(s)... or Psychic Gaurdian... me no know... anyways, I need to go change my avi since I want to.. I have this FMA theme for now, but I need to com up with another theme... hm... maybe Inuyasha.. or Naruto (if they have a Naruto theme song)...
Okies! PLA!
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunies are still recovering from hang over...
Tipsy tipsy

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