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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Monday, November 13, 2006

   Oogalie Boogalie 2... I was bored... That is my excuse.
HB Person: I saw this really cool AMV with FF VII and the song that went to it was Rewrite! XD
Animatious: Me saws it too! XD Cloud seems like a depressing person >>...
HB Person: No comment...
Animatious: Do you know The Pose?
HB Person: 'THE POSE'?
Animatious: Yes THE POSE. *dose a pose and glitter sparkles*
HB Person: Oh! I know The Pose! *does the same thing*
Animatious: What about that other AMV you saw?
HB Person: What other AMV? I only saw One... Well, I tried seeing Bring Neji and Tenten to Life, but only saw 11 secs. out the 1-3 mins. -.-'
Animatious: I didn't like the way it wasn't matching the song... Anywho, This was a totally new anime I had never seen be4! In fact, it could have been a commercial! *oooh*
HB Person: Let's not get ahead of ourselves now.
Animatious: Anywho, It had Vampires and the Girl who loved this one dude was totally... uhmm... Well, broke her heart I guess is the word.
"...Loving a human only brings suffering"
HB Person: How sad.
Animatious: That's what I said! And another person be4 me. ^^
HB Person: Where can I find it?
Animtious: *hmm....* YouTube.com and search Bring Me to Life... ^^ Totally kewl AMV and you all should view it!!!
HB Person: Why?
Animatious: Because It should be viewed by the WORLD, or spmething like that...
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies will rule and shall start with the ones called "AMVs"...!

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