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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Monday, November 20, 2006

   Oogie Boogie... I wanna sleep, so I made a sleepy poem...
It's was raining and when My dogs paws went on the dry pavement, You could see little paw prints (even though my dog isn't little). I thought they looked so cute, just like my doggy XD!!! I think It's funny how Dogs snore... It's makes 'em seem even cutier than they already are. When I get older, I'm gonna get my own place for 1, 2 make sure I have enough money, and 3, get A rotweiler, a pug, a black lab, or a chihuahua!!
Into A Dream... A poem I made since I am bored...

Let's Fall into a dream. Let's sleep all day;
Let's dream for life, Dream our troubles away.
Let's fall into a dream, Just you and I;
Let's dream forever, even after we die.
Let's dream of neither Heaven or Hell.
Let's dream our lives will be well.
Let's dream of neither death or life;
Of sorrow or pain, or stress and strife.
Instead lets dream of rollercaosters and fun,
And eating cake with everyone.
Let's fall into a dream, Just you and I;
Let's dream we're birds who fly real high.
Into a dream we both shall go,
We'll dream until we only have our souls.
Let's go to sleep, Just you and me.
Then we can dream for an eternity.

~I have this little composition book and It has a couple of poems in it... 2 Poems that I have is called Deviness part 1 and 2. In Part 2, there's a pic of Hikari D. and Kiyoshi D., and my friends thought they were nakey (Cuz you could only see their face and parts of their arms. Hikari's hair covered most of her so yea... Then Kiyo was off the paper so I had to make a sleeve somewhere so I would look like a sleeveless T)... They were not nakey!!! But I am getting better at drawing guys ^^...
( )_( )
(")_(") Oogie Boogie! This is what happens when you're bored outta your mind...

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