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myOtaku.com: Animatious

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

   Afro Samurai!
Afro Samurai

On my comcast OnDemand, I wanted to see what Comis Con had in it. So I selected it and saw a 2 min. video and on there was Afro Samurai. Samual L. Jackson is the voice of Afro! (Hopefully that's not the dudes real name.) The art reminded me of The Boondocks, but after seeing Afro's swordmanship, It reminded me of Jin and Mugen from Samurai Champloo. The dudes Afro is Hella Huge and Moves wild in the wind! There's a manga for it too I think. ^^ Afro Samurai is from FUNimation and is said to air on Spike. I heard Spike, but I won't guarantee it...

~What is up with DeviantART? I don't know why so many ppl have the account. It's weird. But because of that, I got me an account on deviantARt's so now it won't bother me. But I'm still upset, cuz I have Teen AOL, which means I can't get to Deviant and even though I asked my mom to get me permission for it, I can't access all the links! >:( Me so Very Mad!
Back to Afro Samurai

Well, there's nothing really to this Come Back. Just that I really wanna see Afro Samurai. ^-^

Is "Butt" the abriviation for "Buttocks"?
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnie Guru says "Yes. Now stop asking more questioning questions"...

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